Trip To Dubai

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Brielle Anyea
I was home chillin with my brother and his girlfriend until they left back to Toronto. I am going to miss him like crazy, especially since I'm leaving the country basically in a few hours.

"So you really date the one and only Chris Brown.. how the fuck do you feel?" James asked in a girl voice. I laughed, easing my tenseness up. It hasn't really dawned onto me that we're kind of a thing now, according to the world. Because between him and I? We haven't really discussed anything after those pictures got out. It's kind of water under the bridge but not in the bad way. It's hard to explain.. we're just not letting anything take us out what we got going on until we're ready. Yup. Sounds about right

"Earth to Brie? She probably thinking about him right now. Zoning out and shit" Blue said in a funny taunting tone. I rolled my eyes and continued to sup on my sprite.

"It's still new to me actually, believe it or not we haven't even spoken about those pictures that got leaked. I kind of sort of ... kissed him first for the picture. The media has been going crazy since then.. I never had this much spot light on me before" I admitted. James and Blue looked at each other and started chuckling. They make me so mad, having a secret language and shit. That's that relationship connection, gotta love it though.

"Girl that's cause you never fucked with a super star before that's why. I'm all for it.. it feel natural with ya'll. Ya'll don't look like you guys are trying too hard you know what I mean?" James explained. I nodded and looked at my phone. I noticed Chris didn't text me yet.. probably cause it's still kind of early. 10:00am isn't a good time to call someone who can barely take time away from the spotlight.


"Daddy pleaseee may I come with you? I really don't wanna stay with mommy" Royalty asked for the ninth time in the past 2 minutes. I just sighed and continued packing my clothes. I already told her the reason as to why she can't come. Im not being mean or anything.. I'm just letting her know daddy needs his alone time.. with his good friend. That's all

"Ro I already told you.. I'll be back in 3 days I promise. I'll bring you back whatever you want. You name it, I'll bring it" I told her as I stopped what I was doing. She made a thinking face.

"How about.. a plane ticket so I can go with you?" She asked. I put my head down and started laughing. Yo, this girl is pure entertainment.

"You are one tough cookie.. I'm going with my friend Brielle you know" I finally told her. She ain't gonna leave me alone. She smirked and did a happy dance.

"Why didn't you say that? I like Brielle. I want 4 selfies of you guys by the water and a shirt" She told me. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Specifically 4?" I asked with a raised brow and she nodded her head.

"Yup. My lucky number" She answered with a cheesy smile. I leave in a few hours so I decided to spend the rest of my time with my daughter. No notepad, no sound check.. all that shit can wait. I deserve this break from the spot light. We got dressed and got into my car to go get some food real quick. I ain't feel like cooking so we finna go out to eat. She just wanted some waffles and shit from the waffle house.

3 hours later
I ended up drifting to sleep after trying to get my make up PERFECT. I wasn't really a big fan of make up but Chris is taking me to Dubai today so ... I guess I wanted to impress him. I did a natural beat on myself and curled my hair a bit. I know he has a thing for curls. My mother wasn't in NY at the moment.. she has a trip to attend to in a certain part of Africa. Yup I know, my mother be all over and I couldn't be more proud of her. I looked down at my phone seeing Chris calling me and I answered but I put him on speaker.

"Ew I'm on speaker?" He asked.

"Yeah cause I'm fixing up my hair and stuff" I answered.

"Who you getting all glammed up for though?" I giggled and shook my head as if he could see me.

"You're gonna have to wait to find out.. where are you anyway?"

"I'm down the block. Don't trip if you see tinted windows. That's me" He told me. I stayed on the phone with him until I heard loud ass music playing and a horn beep. I grabbed my things and made my way down the stairs.

I walked out to the car and he got out to open my door. He had shades on and it was still early. Ole hollywood ass. He took my bags from me and put them into the trunk. After that we have each other a hug and he kissed me on my cheek.

"You look pretty. Who you looking cute for tho is the question still?" He asked with a fake mad face.

"Myself baby" I said with a confident tone. That felt so good when I said that and I see he liked my response too. "And that's exactly why you're my lil boo. Cause the title baby girl is taken already" he told me and I smiled already knowing who he was talking about. We began driving to the airport and it seemed as if we got there fast as hell. I know he know some short cuts. We walked into the airport and walked into a whole other direction of the other planes.
I followed him looking confused as hell.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"My jet.. you thought we were getting on a regular plane?" He asked and I shrugged while laughing. We stood outside the plane for about 5 minutes then he motioned his hands for us to board it. I was very nervous and I pray to God he doesn't notice. He let me go first, to get a window seat. That made me even more terrified, I'm going to be looking down at the world the entire time I'm up here in the sky? He noticed my silence and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Everything's gonna be good. I'm right here with you" He told me. Hearing that did lighten my nervousness a bit. I relaxed more and got more comfortable in my seat.

"What's the best place that you visited in your life? Mine would have to be New York cause I met you there and Vegas so far" He told me. He must think I be going from coast to coast like he does.

"I haven't really been out the country or anything like that yet. This gonna be my first time ever" I told him and he looked surprised. We both started laughing at each other.

"Wait so, you've never been anywhere outside of NY? And you're first trip.. you spending it with me?" He asked with a goofy smile. I playfully pushed him away as the plan started to move. He opened his arms for me to lay in them. I laid down because I felt my stomach doing that weird thing you feel when you hit a bump or something.

"Just relax. I got you, try and go to sleep ma" He told me as he stroked my hair with his hands. I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

hey guys❤️ I've been busy with hella other things. I'll update this chapter either this week or the weekend. 🤗

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