🧠 Shinsou 🧠

21 0 8


Dear Loganne,

Hey Loganne! I haven't written to you in forever. I decided I should write tonight, because why not?

Monoma is still jealous of 1-A, though I know where he's coming from. It's pretty annoying seeing a pervert with sticky head-balls get into class 1-A and not you.

The funniest thing happened two days ago. I brainwashed Bakugou amd made him go in front of Principal Nezu and do this really embarrasing dance I found on social media.

At first I kept asking him things like "Whats your favourite color? How are you, Bakugou?" But he wouldn't answer. He only did when I asked if he thinks Midoriya is better then him. Note, when wanting to piss him off, ask about Midoriya.

Anyways, he got detention.

Oh, Monoma got the absolute shit beaten out of him by Kendo. She really likes you and Monoma started talking trash about your quirk. She kept yelling "Don't disrespect Loganne like that, she's the best person ever!" Monoma can shut up because he doesnt even have his own quirk. Haha.

It's pretty late when I'm writing this, so I unfortunately have to go. I'll write to you again soon, I swear on my quirk. Don't forget to eat today. Speaking of that, I should have something to eat before bed.

I love you, okay? I'll see you soon.



(This man gives me so much serotonin -)

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