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Chapter Eight| Camil

"I'm really happy you could come to lunch with us, Cam." Marnie beams from across the table as she clings onto Cyrus' arm.

"Yes, uncle Cammy!" Camila beams next to me and I smile down at her, ruffling her hair. "Hey, don't touch my hair!" She wacks my arm and I smile even more.

"I taught you well." I nod and look back up at her parents who are staring at their daughter in shock.

"Camila, you don't hit people!" Cyrus scolds her and Camila pouts, her eyes beginning to water.

"B-But uncle Camil taught me and Amara self defence yesterday." I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck and avoid eye contact with Cyrus and Marnie.

"It's okay, Camil was just teaching us how to stay safe." Amara whispers and I smile at her and watch as she beams up at me.

"Right, well there are better ways." Cyrus says and I roll my eyes.

No point arguing with him.

"How is Angel?" Marnie questions and my heart skips a beat at the mention of the woman who has captured my heart.

"She's great." I simply say and Marnie nods.

"That's good."

"Is Angel your girlfriend?" Amara questions, tilting her head and I gulp, shaking my head. "That's a shame, you deserve a princess." Amara is one smart little girl.

"Maybe." I shrug, picking up my drink and taking a small sip. "She has a daughter about your age." Amara's eyes widen in excitement.

"Really! Can I meet her?!" She bounces on her chair and I chuckle.

"One day, Mara." I smile, nodding my head and she squeals.

We all finish our meal and I stand up from the table. "I best get going, I've got some business." Marnie gets up and pulls me into a hug but Cyrus decides to ignore me.

I think I know why.

I walk out of the restaurant and walk towards my car.

"Camil!" I turn around and watch as my brother storms over to me. "You've been using." I groan and step away from him. "Look at me!"

"I haven't for a couple days now." I mumble and he scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief.

"How many times have I got to tell you that you're killing yourself, Camil?! I sat in that fucking restaurant and watched you zoning in and out, you look a mess!" He shouts and I feel myself starting to get angry.

"You done?" I roll my eyes.

"Camil, you need professional help, you're a drug addict and what, you're probably lying to Angel, telling her that you're clean?" He tilts his head and I clench my jaw.

"I'm sober around her and you guys."

"That's not the point! I guarantee you one day, Camil, you won't be and she will leave. I don't want to sound horrible right now but I love you, you're my brother and I don't want to see you wasting your life away because of stupid drugs." He whispers and I gulp, looking away from him.

"I need to go." I mumble, getting into my car. I start the engine and drive off without even looking back at him.


"You okay?" Angel whispers, as she takes a seat in front of me.

I've found myself sat in her shop with a hot chocolate and one of her cupcakes in front of me. 

I don't trust my voice so I give her a tight-lipped smile and nod my head.

"Hey." She whispers, putting her hand on top of mine. "Talk to me, Camil, this isn't like you." My eyes water so I blink and look out the window.

"Why do you give me your time?" I whisper. "I'm not a good person, Angel."

"What are you talking about? You're an amazing person, Camil. You make me really, really happy." She beams and I can't help but give a small smile.

"I don't deserve someone as kind as you, baby." Because if she found out what I was really like she'd leave me straight away.

"Stop talking like that." She scolds me. "Has something happened?" I shake my head, not wanting to burden her with my problems. She doesn't need that.

"Don't worry about me, Angel." I lift her hand up and place a small kiss on the back of it.

"You're a part of my life now, Camil, of course I'm going to worry about you!" She smiles and my stomach flutters at her words.

She sees me as a part of her life.

She's the only person I don't mind being vulnerable around.

"I'm here for you, okay. Whenever you need to talk." I nod my head.

"Can I have another cupcake?" She giggles and gets up to go and get me another one.


"You have so many tattoos." Angel whispers as she lays on top of my bare chest, tracing the tattoos on my neck and face. "I love them."

"Thanks, baby." I grin.

She's staying with me again tonight and I couldn't be any happier.

"Do you have a notepad or something?" I furrow my eyebrows at her question.


"I want to design a tattoo for you." She beams and I chuckle. She climbs off of me and I reach into the draw of my bedside table and pull out a notebook.

What I don't notice when I sit up straight is Angel staring at the small packet of white powder on the floor that must of slipped out.


An I Oop🤭🖤

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