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its been days after that sunset incident

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its been days after that sunset incident. y/n texted todoroki alot. they became really close and gave todoroki bunch of hints, 'is he really that slow?' y/n thought

she went out of the dorm and went to a nearby cafe. she needed to get rid all of these thoughts in her head.

she got in the cafe and was welcome by the cashier. "hi this is kools cafe what can i get for you?" you stared at the menu above.

"2 ice vanilla late please." you saw kirishima stood beside you while you were in shock.

"do you know him maam?" the cashier asked and you nodded. "we need to talk." you gulped nervously.

you guys sat down at a vacant table and you took a deep breath. WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME DBHDJDDJZ you thought

kirishima got out a piece of paper. "i know you now. youre unknown, i got you finally." he smiled and showed all of the clues you gave him.

"whAT NONONO IM NOT WHOEVER UNKNOWN IS AHHAahhaAh..." y/n panickly said and tried to convince kirishima.

he sighed while showing that 'are you serious its so obvious' face. "give me your phone number." you gulped nervously.

"mY PHONE IS AT THe DORM" you laughed nervously. he sighed once again and picked up his phone and dialed a number.

your phone started ringing at the back of your pocket and saw todoroki's name on it. you quickly ended the call.

"wait why do you even care? i didnt mean it like a mean way but how did you even know? midoriya only knows about this why-" you got interrupted by his finger on your mouth telling you to shush

"okay wait let me tell you everything, dont tell anyone tho, promise" kirishima pulled out his pinky. "do we really need to do a pinky promise" you laughed as you linked your pinky with his.

"well you know that im close to denki and todoroki right" you nodded still confused. "well recently todoroki told me about you and him chatting but he wasnt sure if it was you or someone else, there was a time tho when he was sus about you" you gulped

"yeah and he told me too about the sunset incident, he said you probably thought it was nothing but for him it felt like it wasnt real. so meaning he probably likes you" he smirked while you blushed alittle.

"well, denki who has a huge crush on you, heard everything..." you gasped.

"wHAT me and denki are close i dont want to be awkward with him??!!" you slightly shouted which made people look at you.

"its up to you, i just wanted you to know since its better if you knew earlier, in short i think todoroki and denki likes you" he chuckled while seeing you look like a mess.

"am i in a wattpad fanfic?!?" you said while chugging all yout coffee.

after awhile you guys went out the cafe and walked to the dorm while talking about life, and more.

you opened the door seeing everyone at the lounge. "there you guys are!! where did you guys go??" mina asked while slightly smirking.

"oOOOOO they went on a date!!" momo teased which made everyone laugh except todoroki and denki.

"no we didnt and we arent dating hahaha, we just talked about something...thats it" kirishima smiled widely and you laughed.

you went to your room and hopped to your bed.

'what the fanfic fuck'


merry xmas everybody !!

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