We're not friends

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(Based off of an art au by @baumi_chan check them out and leave a like!)

(Also if you see this thanks for giving me permission to write this. It might become a fic if I decide and starting from the beginning)


(Watch the whole series before coming here, or the last part)

There Izuku stood, just behind the corner holding his notebook. Overhearing the cries and noise of the group just around the corner. So close yet so very far. The green haired boy sat in his silent cries. What the blonde didn't know was that Izuku was teaching everyone sign language. After Bakugou would sleep at 8 he and the Bakusquad as they liked to call themselves would meet in Midoriya's dorm for an hour or 2. The bright ball of sunshine that the greenie was, did not complain a single bit no matter how stumped the others were. He did not say a word when they all showed Bakugou what they learned. He did not speak when they didn't mention him. He sat there in silence, in the cold lifeless silence. If you strained hard enough you could hear his sobs and whimpers, but no one ever listened too closely to him.

He willed himself off the concrete walls and held the notebook close to his sunken chest. Walking to his dorm, he unlocked the door, threw the notebook, and collapsed on the bed. He wouldn't tell the blonde it was him. He wouldn't ruin the moment he had. He wouldn't stop teaching them. And he wouldn't say a word.

What would even come from telling the explosion incarnate? He refused help and hated it, especially if it was from "Deku" himself. He would just lash out at him for calling him "Weak" for needing help, no matter how much the other assured he wasn't. That's just how the blonde is, and Izuku, knew that all too well. He had the scars to prove it, both mental and physical. He had the memories of constant pain and suffering at the hands of his frien- no. They weren't friends. They stopped being friends the day Katsuki found out about Izuku's quirkless status. Izuku was stupid for not coming to terms with it earlier. It didn't matter how much they grew, it wasn't because of him as a person, it's because of their situation. Midoriya had a quirk. Bakugo was in a hero school. They now had to get along, and if it meant faking it, then Izuku knew that the blonde wouldn't bare a second thought.

Midoriya wasn't Kirishima

Or Mina

Or Sero

Or Kaminari

Midoriya was Deku

And him and 'Kacchan' were not friends.

That's the harsh truth he had to swallow like a pill. If he was there with the others he'd just ruin it. Bakugou doesn't like him. He never did. The bullying proved that, the fights proved that, the arguments, the yelling, the assault ALL PROVED THAT. So, why couldn't he, for the life of him, understand that? Why was he so attached to his abuser? Izuku cried, and cried, and cried that night. And before he slept he spoke.

"It's not much but it's better than dreaming."

And darkness clouded his vision, just like all other nights.

-next day-

Midoriya unwillingly got up and read for school. It'd be another day of teaching Bakugou's friends sign language, and another day of hiding from the blonde. He sighed and looked in the mirror. He looked like shit, and he knew it. He splashed water on his face and tried to help his puffy red eyes. He went too far, stupid Deku. He finished up and smiled in the mirror. The same one he shows every day. The same one that fools everyone. The same one he sees in the mirror. This whole thing hurt him more than he thought it would. But his happiness didn't matter, right? Well not in comparison to Bakugous. Yeah, that's right.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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