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Hi. I'm (Y/n).

I thought I was the only person that had a power...
Apparently not.

My power is called Puppeteer, practically invisible strings come from my fingers and attach onto someone.

I can control multiple people at a time. I don't exactly have a limit with my power, I can control as many people as I want.

I mainly use it for my own benefit or just to mess with people. A part of my power is that I have another "being" with me constantly.

He's a puppet but looks completely human. His name is Hyō, and he's an annoying little bastard.

But he can be kinda helpful, he can disappear and latch my strings onto whomever I choose.

He's just mischievous and annoying really.

"You got the stuff?" A man asked from the alleyway near me. I opened one eye and looked in the direction.

Hyō::You know what to do.
Yeah yeah, I got it.

I forgot to mention. I also somewhat fight crime. I mainly just stop people before they do whatever the crime or keep them there for the place.

I sighed and walked out in front of the men.

Three guys, four large duffel bags. One with weapons, the others empty. Ski masks, and a stolen car beck behind them.

"A Robbery? Really?" I asked. "How the hell do you know what we're doing?!" One yelled.

"That was a guess, now I know." I said taking my hands out of my pockets and unwrapping the bandages.

Hyō popped up from next to me and ran at the men with three strings in hand. All I needed was one string on them.

Hyō got the strings on the men and they tried to get them off. "No use, my threads can't snap." I smirked.

I tightened the strings and they froze, I moved three fingers around making them follow.

I made them grab the bags and drive to the police, I can see out of the eyes of my new puppets so distance wasn't a problem.

I made them surrender and they were taken by the police, no here's the bad part of my power. To release someone, I have to yank the strings out of my fingers.

It hurt like hell but it was like an ordinary puncture wound, all I had to do was bandage it.

Hyō disappeared and I started to walk home. "I'm back Nii-San!" I yelled into the apartment room.

"What took you so long?" My brother laughed. He hugged me an told me that dinner was ready.

I took off my jacket and gloves. "Did you use your power again?" My brother asked and I tensed up.

"No?" I said, my response sounding more like a question than a statement.

"(Y/n)! You know that using your power in public is too dangerous!" He scolded.

That's my brother, Hiro, for you. He's protective since what happened to Mom.

"It was only me and the three guys! They were going to rob a Bank anyway!" I reasoned.

"Just be more careful. Please." He sighed and I nodded. "Fine." I muttered.

"Thank you, now let's go eat! I'm hungry." He said and I laughed a bit.

👁‍🗨The Next Day👁‍🗨

I had enrolled in Hinomori High school, an elite and prestigious school.

The entrance exams were honestly a piece of cake, however I noticed a guy next to me who's eyes would turn yellow and then he'd pass out.

But what was strange was that another person's eyes would turn yellow and start quickly looking over their answers, but only for about five seconds.

Wait. He has a power too?!

I decided to have my fun and switch his pencil for a pen and control his arm to mark the wrong answers.

Either way, he's not cheating. But I'll let him just barely pass.

I silently snickered as I yanked the string from my finger and quickly wrapped it.

He had a smug look on his face before looking at his papers, his expression turned shocked and his eye darted around.

I scored top in the Entrance Exams. No surprise.

"Now a word from the representative for new students.
(Y/n) (L/n), please come up." The principal said and I stood.

"Yes sir." I said and started to walk up to the podium.

"That means she's top of the class."
"She's kinda cute too."
"Man, who knew a girl would score top in the Exams."

Whispers rang through the gymnasium, I smirked but quickly replaced it with an innocent smile.

"Today, you have kindly organized a grand ceremony to welcome us here. For that I deeply thank you." I started.

"With the warm rays of the beautiful spring sunlight and the amazing academic environment the school board has organized for all of us,"

"I hope that everyone will find great success and am looking forward to spending the next three years with every wonderful person here."

"Thank you." I finished and bowed. Applause and small cheers rang through the gym.

The only one who'll really be succeeding is me.
Hyō::You really need to get over that, it's getting annoying. You need to start caring for others.
Fine fine.

I walked past the guy from the Exams as I walked back to my seat, I sent him a smirk to which he replied with a glare.

Looks like I'm gonna have a new puppet to play with.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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