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I stumbled down the stairs blindly once I was sure my dad had left the house. Shivering and clutching a blanket to my body, I entered the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets for something to eat. Besides cereal, everything had been devoured by my father. So I made myself some with the little milk left, stuffing the bites into my mouth like I hadn't eaten for days - which I hadn't.

By the time I finished, I was craving more, but decide to save some for dinner. Tomorrow, I'd go to the grocery store with whatever money I had left lying around. Something is better than nothing.

My eyes widened when I heard the doorbell ring and my heart picked up its pace as I made my way towards the door cautiously. The first person my mind went to was Puck. I thought of my last words to him and a deep feeling of regret formed in the pit of my stomach - not only because I was afraid of what he was going to do to me now, but also because... Because what I said was rude. I didn't mean it and I wished I could take the words back.

But I couldn't. And that was the consequence of speaking without thinking.

The doorbell rang again and I startled, striding towards it with determination. Whatever I got...I deserved it.

Opening the door, I was surprised to find Owen standing there, staring down at the ground with his hands shoved into the pockets of his khaki pants. When he heard the door open, his head immediately whipped upwards and I saw the clear concern in his green eyes.

"Polly," he said softly, charging forward and gathering me in his arms into a hug. I tensed subconsciously, but relaxed soon when I found how comforting his arms felt, lifting my own arms to wrap around him. "I was worried sick, Polly. You haven't been coming to school and I just - I just..."

I tightened my hold on him, a new burst of emotion washing over me - was it happiness? Happiness that I had someone who cared for me? "I'm sorry," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. "I wasn't feeling too good for a few days..."

When we both finally pulled apart from each other, I invited him in, my blanket still wrapped around me like a cocoon.

"Jesus, Polly. It's freezing in here," Owen commented, zipping up his own jacket. "No wonder you weren't feeling well."

I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. Heater's broken," I lie.

"Damn. You want me to take a look at it?"

My eyes immediately widened in panic and I was quick to say, "No!"

Owen raised a brow.

"I mean," I tried again, chuckling. "My dad already called someone. They said not to go near it because... Well, because he doesn't want anyone messing with it any further. And umm, yeah, he'll be back in a few hours to take another look at it."

Owen nodded. "Oh. Of course. Yeah..." he trailed off and we both stood in awkward silence for a while, memories of our last encounter resurfacing, the abrupt way I left.

"So," I say, cutting through the tension. "You wanna go upstairs to my bedroom? It's much warmer there." Lie. But I had to do anything to keep him away from the living room - which was a mess from my father's occasional tantrums.

When Owen nodded, I smiled and led him up the stairs. The blanket trailed on the stairs after me so Owen picked it up and I looked back at him, a small giggle leaving my mouth.

At his confused expression, I said, "You look like a bridesmaid."

A smirk formed on his lips and I blushed furiously at his next words.

"I'd much rather be on the other side of the aisle."

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"Cheater," I exclaimed.

Owen looked up at me, his eyes wide. "That is not true!"

"Don't lie to me," I giggled. "I saw you steal some money from the bank."

Owen recoiled, mocking hurt. "How can you accuse me of such a thing?"

I frowned and quickly leaned in behind him, grabbing the money from his hand and holding it up before he even knew what I was doing. "You have an extra one-hundred."

"What? No!" Owen said, looking incredulous. "I already had that."

I rolled my eyes. "No, you didn't because you gave it to me and then I saw you steal it from the bank."

"Well," Owen scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, "you can think whatever you want. But I didn't steal that."

A smile broke out onto my face and I placed the hundred dollar bill back into the Monopoly board, which we were using as the bank. "Yes, I'll think what I want and what I think is that you stole this."

Owen scoffed again, shaking his head as he rolled his eyes. A beep came from somewhere near him and he quickly reached into his pocket, bringing out his phone as he checked the notification. "Oh, shit!"

"What is it?" I asked, worried.

Owen waved me off, getting up from his place on my bed. "Nothing. It's just, I forgot I was supposed to help out my dad in his workshop today. Guess I lost track of time."

My heart sank inside my chest. "Oh."

"You'll be okay on your own?" Owen asked, now directing his concerned gaze to me.

I faked a laugh. "Of course. Yeah, absolutely."

"You sure?" He raised a brow.

I nodded. "Yes, I'll be fine," I assured, getting up and leading him downstairs to the door.

"We should do this another time," Owen suggests, stopping outside in front of my door as I position it in front of my body.

I smile. "Yeah, we should." Because I don't think I've had this much fun since my mom passed away.

"I'll see you around, Polly," Owen bids, ducking into his pink car.

"See you around," I whisper, watching as he zooms off.

As soon as the door shuts behind me, I sigh, the smile slipping off my face. But I'm greeted with another surprise when I turn to find a figure standing in my kitchen. My eyes widen and I let out a breathless whimper.


Merry early Christmas!! Happy Hanukkah!! Or whatever you celebrate, happy holidays!! Even if you don't celebrate, I hope you have an amazing Christmas Eve/Christmas!!!

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Merry early Christmas!! Happy Hanukkah!! Or whatever you celebrate, happy holidays!! Even if you don't celebrate, I hope you have an amazing Christmas Eve/Christmas!!!

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