2- Last school day

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Thursday. Last day of senior year. Jughead and Betty arrive at school and see Archi and Veronica talking. They come and say hello. Betty notices Archi very strangely. Did he still feel things about her? She made it clear to him that she loved Jughead, but did Archi want veronica? She looked him in the eyes, he seems sad and confused.

-Hey, guys, ready for our last day? - excited Jughead asks. "Yes, well I'm super nervous, but yes," Veronica replies, looking at Betty. Betty knew that she had to talk with them. Every time her best friend spoke to her or wanted to make plans, she tried to leave. She knew she had behaved badly and was very embarrassed about it. -Look, there's Cherly and Toni. "Let's go with them," Betty said, pointing to the tall, red-haired girl, dressed all in red who was accompanied by a shorter girl with pink hair. Toni was wearing the snake jacket again, which made Betty happy. She knew Toni deserved to be the queen and not her and more after Archi happened. -Well, well, well, who do I see here?! My favorite couples. - greets them by staring at her cousin. Betty had told Cherly everything, who had promised not to say anything. But how long would she keep that promise? Jughead took Betty by the hand and walk her to Blue and Gold.


Betty was weird, Jughead had noticed it from the first moment of the morning. Maybe she was just sad because we were done at school? Or about going to different universities? -Betty, what is wrong with you? - I asked. -Nothing, nothing I am fine. She said forcing a smile. -I know you better than anyone, I know you have something - now is not the moment to speak about it, Jugh. Jughead looked at her worried, but at that moment I ringed the bell and they went to class.


After class they went to Pop's dinner. The was ordering lunch and having a lot of fun. -So, do you want to go to the woods this weekend? I mean tomorrow we graduate and go to prom, but we must do something together before going to our Colleges. - proposed Archi. How could he? After the kiss, he was planning that. Why he did not have a guilty conscience? At first Veronica agreed, then Cherly and Toni. I noticed that Jughead was looking at me. But I just sat there thinking. After a few seconds y nodded and Jughead too. After many milch shakes we went home. I went to my room. Then Jughead came in, he looked at me and hugged me. -What is wrong, Betty? - -I...- Betty knew that that was her moment to talk about the kiss. -I... I am just very sad about finishing school. - She cannot, she was not to tell him. -Really? You seem very sad today. I was worried. - said Jughead. Betty nodded and made a fake smile. Then he came closer and kissed her slowly. Betty, almost crying, just hugged him.

At the evening. Betty was preparing her cloth for the dance. Of course, she had to wear the typical graduation outfit for the graduation, but after that she was going to go to Veronicas house and get dressed: a beautiful with and black dress, it was so nice. -Dinner is ready! -screamed Alice. -I am coming- said she and went to the kitchen. She helped putting the table and then Fp, Jughead, Jellybean, Charles, her mom, and she started eating and talking. -so, sweety, do you need to buy something for the prom, yet? -Alice asked her daughter. -No mom. I think I have everything, but I need a new bikini for our weekend trip to the woods. -responded Betty. -Weekend trip? - asked Fp confused. -Yeah, Cherly, Toni, Arch, Veronca and we are going to do a camping weekend. We want to do one last thing together before each of us leaves town. - explained Jughead. At the moment he said university my mom got very sad; she was almost crying. I knew it would be difficult let us go, she had lost dad and Polly. But she was not alone. She had Charles and Fp, who made her happy. They always enjoyed every moment they were together. -Alice, what is wrong? - asked Fp worried. -Mmm... I am just sad that our kids leave in less than a month. Anyway, I know that's how life goes, and I am so proud of you two. I only hope you visit us on Christmas and Eastern. - Betty was crying, she always thought about her friends and Jugh, but forgot her mum. Yes, she was not always a good mum and she did a lot of bad things, but she was her mum the only person of her family that was with her. -Of course, we will do dad- said betty and hugged her. They finished eating and went to their rooms. Jughead and her slept in her room. They were wearing their pijamas and watching a movie. When the movie ended Jughead kissed Betty slowly and lovely. Betty smiled and kissed him back. After many kisses Jughead moved his hand till Bettys ass. -Jugh, we cannot do that now. They can hear us. - -Come on, Betty. They will not hear anything. - Betty smiled and kissed me. The kisses got intense and they started taking off their clothes. After their moment Betty kissed Jughead -I love you- said Betty. -I love you too, Betts- Jughead hugged Betty and they fell asleep.

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