Prelude: Honeymoon Afterglow

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*Rita's POV *

I looked over at my handsome husband. He sat with his head cocked to the side with his lips slightly parted. I could hear his faint snores as he slept peacefully. I never understood how Roman could sleep so soundly on a plane, yet here he is.

We were on an airplane headed back to Florida. This was a bittersweet moment. I was more than ready to get back to my girls but leaving Playa del Carmen, Mexico, was almost heart breaking. It was just as beautiful the second time around. We decided to honeymoon their because I didn't get to enjoy it like I wanted to when we were there for Amber's bachelorette get away.

Roman & I got a chance to really explore Playa Del Carmen. We went swimming with Dolphins & even rode a zip line over the most beautiful waterfall. I smiled to myself thinking of all the things we did in Mexico. Now, I enjoyed our time out but the times we spent locked away in our bungalow together were absolutely amazing. It was, after all, our honeymoon.

I was pulled from my thoughts by one of the flight attendants voice over the intercom. She asked for everyone's attention before the pilots voice replaced her's. I softly nudged Roman. His eyes fluttered open then focused on me. He smiled. The pilot informed us that we would be landing in Florida within the next hour. Everyone began strapping themselves in.

"You ready to see our daughters?" Roman asked.

"So ready," I responded.

"Me too, I'm also excited to get back to work," Roman said.

I nodded in understanding. Being a WWE superstar, he has to stay relevant, so being away any length of time damages that. He loves wrestling. Its apart of his family's heritage & their lineage. I know he was missing being in the ring with the guys. I know Dean & Seth was missing him. We only talked to Seth, Amber, & Dean once the entire trip. They wanted to give us our time, which we appreciated, but I was ready to get back to my family.

"I'm ready to get back to work too. I miss Amber & the girls," I say. "I know you miss the guys."

He looks over at me.

"Yea, but I'm more ready to get back out their. Wrestling, learning, improving," he said.

I looked into his eyes. I could see the yearning he had. I could sense Roman was getting a bit anxious during the last few days. He didn't have the extensive training and experience that Dean & Seth had acquired while in the independent circuits before they came to the WWE. In the same breath, Roman was extremely talented & a very fast learner.

"I know baby. We have RAW tomorrow. You'll be back in that squared circle by tomorrow night," I said smiling.

Roman returned my smile before he leaned in kissing me softly. I hadn't even realized it but we were landing in Florida. The hour flew by. We were met by Sika & Patricia at the airport. Roman spotted them & we walked over together, hand in hand. Both of them smiled before we all hugged each other.

"How was the trip to Mexico?" Pat asked.

"Amazing. Way better than the last time," I tell her as we hug each other.

"You both look great," Sika said.

We walked to the car. Roman opened the door for both me & his mom. We got in while Sika & Roman loaded our things. Patricia looked over at me once the men were inside the car.

"I'm glad you two enjoyed your trip," she told me then placed her hand on my stomach.

After a minute and a confused gaze from me, she pulled back. She looked at her husband and spoke in another language. Roman turned all the way around in the passenger seat and looked at his mom then to me. He, too, spoke in the same language. It sounded Italian. I sat there looking between my husband & my in-laws. Roman locked eyes with me.

"I'm sorry baby, I have to teach you Italian," he said smiling.

"And Samoan," I told him.

He smiled & nodded.

"Mom was checking to see if you were pregnant. Wives usually become pregnant while on the honeymoon," he explained.

"How was she going to be able to tell by touching my stomach?" I asked confused.

Patricia turned & looked at me.

"There are ways of knowing honey," she replied.

I shrugged, deciding to just let it go. It wasn't long before we were pulling up to our home. We all got out. I walked to the back of the car where Roman & Sika were getting our things. As soon as I tried to help, both men shoo'ed me away. I was very excited to be back home.

It wasn't long before Rachel had brought the girls home. It was only Emily and Jasmine. Olivia was away at a cheerleading summer camp for the next three weeks. We talked briefly on the phone but she gushed to Roman about how much she was enjoying the camp.

I walked to the kitchen with Emmie at my side and Nata in my arms. I had just finished fixing & plating their snack when my phone rang. I checked the ID to see my mom was calling. She was glad I was back home. She talked to the girls before I began telling her about the trip. I hadn't realized I had spent two hours talking to her until we hung up. The girls were in their room & I decided to check on Roman. I found my darling husband stretched across the bed, shirtless and snoring. I smiled to myself as I softly closed my door. I tip toed over & climbed on top of him.

I pressed myself onto him, slightly turning myself on. My fingers traced the waist of his pants just as his phone went off. I jumped, startled, before scooping it up & answering it.

"Hello?" I asked quietly.

"Its Col, hay Rita?" Seth asked.

"Hay boo, how are you & my sister?" I asked.

"We're doing fine? Joe must've fallen asleep?" he asked.

"Yep, you know your brother," I replied.

"I can't wait to see you two & my nieces tomorrow. We have really missed you. Tell Joe I called and see you guys later," Seth said.

"I will & I can't wait to see y'all too. Love you, bye," I replied then hung up a few seconds later.

I put Roman's phone away & climb off him. I decided to let him sleep as I got the girls ready for bed. I walked back into my bedroom to see Roman wasn't in the bed anymore. The bathroom door opened & Roman walked out in basketball shorts & shirtless. My mind goes blank as I watch him. I see him smirk before I am snapped back to earth.

"Like what you see, Mrs. Anoa'i?" he asked.

"So much," I mumble as he laughs.

He walks over before he pins me to the bed with his body. He pecks both my cheeks. I giggle & squirm a bit. I stared deep into his eyes. They changed from deep seductive to down right pure lust. It was long before we were making out & headed for other things.

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