~Chapter 5~ "black haired guy" pov

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  My eyes widen as I notice the small blonde-haired guy peeking around the corner of his house.I hold myself back from screaming at his stupidity, and instead motion with my head to tell him to get behind the damn wall.
As soon as I see him move out of view I return my gaze back to the other guys.

Mark and Lewis.

I have known Mark since I was a baby, as him and my father are good friends. He was an older British guy, his hair almost already fully grey and slight wrinkles covering his face.

Despite the fact he was getting old though, he was still as strong and intimidating as when I was just a young boy.I always used to get a weird vibe from him, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get that feeling anymore.Although, when I was younger I never knew why I got that churning feeling inside my stomach when he was near me....but now I do understand.

  Lewis on the other hand, was not that much older than me.Probably around 4 years older than me making him around 21, me being 17.

But even though he wasn't too much older than me, he was way more buff and extremely intimidating.It was obvious he could knock me out in a second with only one punch if he wanted too.Probably give me brain damage with that one punch as well.

I was lucky me and him were alright with each other and respected each other.

   "We'll have to go around the back corner of the house so hopefully no one will see us." Mark says gruffly, looking around for anyone watching or eavesdropping on our conversation.

Damn it.

The blonde-haired boy is back there.Yes, I do know his actual name  but it does not feel appropriate to be calling him by his name when we actually never introduced ourselves, and he is technically supposed to be dead.So for now I will call him the blonde-haired boy.

   Taking in marks words again, I wonder what I should do.

I don't know why I didn't just try and actually kill the guy.I guess I'm just not like that.I'm not the type of person to go around killing innocent people, and find it amusing as well.I knew coming here that I probably wouldn't be able to kill him.But, I thought just maybe that I would somehow be able to just do it and kill him.But, after seeing him, I knew I definitely couldn't kill him.

These thoughts help me to make my decision.I want to help him, even if I'm risking my life as well.

"Wait, I forgot to delete the security camera footage, if they have them." I blurt out.

  Mark and Lewis both turn to me, a clearly disapproving look on their faces.

"Ugh you learn so slowly.Let's go then," Mark grumbles annoyingly.He turns to head back into the house, Lewis following right behind him.

I walk forwards a few steps and when I see that the two aren't paying attention to me, I look over at the corner of the house.As I expected, I see the blonde staring back at me.

  I quickly I mouth run to him.

  I don't wait to see if he does as I said and instead immediately turn around and walk into the house behind the others.

We search the house for awhile for cameras and when we are sure there is none, we leave the house.

We walk around the corner of the house and down the dimly lit streets in a row.

  To be honest, if someone saw us right now they would already think we were apart of some gang, of some murder.

We would be the group of murderers in every movie.

Mark would be the wise leader who would know not to, and how not to leave any evidence.He would also be the most skilled in murdering someone.

Lewis would be the one doing the actual murdering and would be cold and ruthless while doing it.

  Then there would be me.I would be the one who would probably just keep watch and help clean up the bloody mess.I would definitely be the least skilled and I would be the one who doesn't  want to be there.

And, the blonde guy would definitely be the actual victim in a murder.Just because he would get so scared and wouldn't be able to fight back, no offence.

I chuckle as I think of the blonde guy.He was cute.

Just the thought of me actually killing the blonde guy made me fill sick.I am not that cold or heartless to go around killing random people.


  After awhile of walking down streets, alleys, and sidewalks, Mark and Lewis stop.They both turn to me and then Mark points to something across the street.

It was a bar.A bar packed with people, some even having to stand outside because there was too many people inside.Loud music was blaring as loud as ever and lights from inside were shining out through the entrance.I guess it was more like a club.

  "Me and Lewis are going there now that the jobs done," Mark started, lowing his pointing hand."you can go do whatever, just don't let anyone find out about that boy you killed." He adds sternly.

I nod in understanding and wait to see if they have anything else to say to me.

  "Also, good job today." Lewis finally says, patting me on the back as he does so.

Yeah, killing an innocent person is such a good job.I know I didn't actually kill him but they think I did and are still amused by it, which annoys me.

Despite my annoyance, I smile back at Lewis , in a way of 'thanking' him.

  The two then turn away from me and start walking towards the bar or club, whatever it is.

  As they walk away I glare at the back of their heads.

I glare at them as they laugh and chat on their way into the bar.

I glare at them as they are being proud of me for killing someone, murdering someone.

I glare at them with their backs turned to me.

Then I raise my hand up, and I flip them off.
And when I'm sure they can't hear me, I whisper under my breath....

"Fuck you."

Then I smile sarcastically and walk away.

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