~✨Chapter 1✨~

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You were frantically running through New York City, trying to get away from something. Or someone. You didn't even know. It was like a shadow, literally.  Everything it touched turned black or to dust and watching it do that was very traumatizing; especially to a nine-year-old.

Well, you think that's your age. You don't really know. They never told you so you guessed

Your feet slammed against the pavement step after step when you eventually ran past an eye-catching building. You skirted to a halt and walked inside. As you were walking you were wary of every single shadow inside the building. But you knew the shadow man was outside still.

So what could possibly be bugging you?

Well, you knew you weren't alone in this building. A man was there too.

You could sense it.

And you knew the man knew you were there too. That's a fact.

You explored the main entrance hall as much as you could without getting spotted by the shadow man. And the other man in the building wasn't exactly looking for you either, which was kind of strange. You'd expect that if you walked into a building unannounced and the other people knew you were there they'd have a search party looking for you.

What if the man wants me here? You thought to yourself.

You gave yourself a dirty look in your mind and laughed. In your mind, you looked so funny.

Your greasy, matted (h/c) hair hasn't been cleaned or brushed in weeks, your body was dirty because you felt dirt in between your toes, and your clothes were disgusting with rips and tears all over and grease stains from when you went dumpster diving for food.

Your mind was also exhausted from working overtime without pay to protecting you from everything.

Even yourself.

You quickly covered your mouth with your hand and you glanced around the hall you were in. You let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding and yawned.

I should probably go get some sleep before I leave again. Besides, I don't think the man minds that I'm here. You thought.

You managed to get up to the second floor, where a ton of artifacts were, without taking the main staircase in the entrance hall.  Up there, you found a bunch of weird things but at the time you didn't care at all. You just wanted a place to sleep. When you did.

It was a red velvet couch in the massive room and you took your chances to lie down and close your eyes. At the moment, you didn't care if the shadow man or the other man in the building found you. Your body needed rest and so did your mind so you were doing yourself a huge favor.

You used your arm as a pillow and immediately fell asleep.

But little did you know, the man was in the room with you, watching you the entire time.


Chapter one is done in no time at all. I really hope you enjoyed this and I'm not sorry about that cliffhanger.

Anyways I hope you have a fantastic day/night/morning/evening

~a. rosewood🌹

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