The Life Of Renesmee Carlie Cullen.

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my life was perfect as a vampire but perfection doesn't last very long.

Chapter One, Perfection

P.O.V Renesmee 

"Renesmee breakfast Hun. Carlisle wants to speak to us he had important news." i groaned but got up. my room was white and red with posters and pitches all around i had a big double bed a walk in closet and my own en'suite i got up and looked in the mirror. my hair was a mess and don't get me started on my clothes. i walked in my closet pants,no baggy tops, no skirts, maby dress, PERFECT! i chose out a small in lenght dress it was white it was floaty and perfect to impress Jake. Jake i loved him, i could never tell but i did want him to like me back. i dolled my self up with big hoop earrings my hair was curled at the ends and i was ready i made my way downstairs i was in grandma and grampars house i wore some nice sandals as well. Alice bought me them last week. Jake was eating breakfast i couldn't help but stair. 

"hey Nessie want some?" Jake said a tingle ran strait though my body. but i nodded and sat down Esme had made allot of food! 

"right can everyone gather round?" Carlisle said, Rosalie sat on Emmit's knee Alice Sat next to Jasper Mom and dad stood behind the couch Jake sat on the couch and i followed him. Esme and Carlisle stood in the middle of the room and spoke 

"You are all starting school next term. Bella Edward Rosalie And Emmit are all sophomores. Jacob Renesmee Alice and Jasper are freshman." everyone paused 

"Bella and Edward every class together, Jacob and renesmee a couple then the rest you will have with Alice, renesmee. the rest of you are in some of the same classes but not all" Esmee said 

"when do we start?" Jacob Asked I didn't get it he didn't have do school we did he could just stay at home but he decided to go to school why? 

"we start on Monday, And Nessie hes doing school because he wants to!" my dad said go i hated the way he had a never-ending access to my thoughts! Jacob looked at me i had my arms crossed and my head back so i didn't see him i just had that felling. the feeling of someone watching you. there was a knock at the door, Esme answered it was Seth and Leah. Leah was my BEST-FRIEND ever! 

"Hey Leah whats up?" i asked she never came hear i always went to La Push with Jake. Leah hated to come hear so why? 

"Hey Nessi." Leah said with a wave 

"Jacob Sam said there's a meeting a 8 be there." Seth said 

"okay Seth ill be there see you later." Jacob said they left and then my mom spoke  

"Jacob i kneed to speak to you for a moment." and then they went into the garden.

P.O.V Bella  

"Jacob i kneed to speak to you for a moment." i said and then he followed me into the back garden and Edward followed. 

"Okay shoot?" Jacob said acting like he was Innocent 

"okay Jake you and Nessie are good friends and i love that you are but i feel like you to are getting a little too close with her," 

"and i heard her thinking about you in a relationship way so yeah she dose like you Jake but shes are daughter and shes 6" Edward said finishing my sentence. 

"i don't see what you want me to do and in my eyes i think shes old enough to date so i want to tell her about the imprinting." 

"NO!" i said shouting "Jacob she 6 a couple more years please?"  

"fine." he said finally giving in "i wont tell her until shes 7" 

"NO!" i shouted again, 

"8?" he sugessed 

"thank-you Jacob" Edward said

P.O.V Renesmee 

they came back in we went hunting i caught the biggest animal then we came back and it was 8 o'clock . 

"Jacob don't you have to go to the meeting?" i said but i didn't want him to go but i didn't want him to get into trouble either. 

"oh yeah bu i dont wanna go ill just ring Sam and explain." he said 

he picked up his phone and called sam. 

"Nessie bed!" Alice said. "tonights gonna be cold so i said jake could keep you warm if thats ok nessie?" 

"i dont see a problem." yes me and jake alone ek! 

after jake finished on the phone he walked me up. alice, jasper, emmit and rosalie went hunting, mom and dad went to the cottage and esme and Carlisle cleaned up. 

me and jake got to my bedroom door and he looked at me i blushed and then he KISSED ME! 

I mean it wasnt our first kiss sota we kissed ages ago but never like this. I just stood the and never said a word luckly he did but no the best onse! 

"im sorry i just couldnt help it." why did he do that hes just gonna break my heart when he imprints on some luck girl. 

"no don't be its just....." 


"when you imprint its just gonna kill me and i couldn't handle it Jacob, but i love you that's the hard part."i said shaking out of my skin. he chuckled why did he chuckle? 

"you are stupid you know that."why i thought he must have seen my expression and he answered me, "Ive all ready imprinted." 

"well then why did you kiss me." then it hit me but he said it. 

"i imprinted on you" he grabbed my arms and lightly shook me. 

"but....but when?" 

"ill explain but you have to let me finish OK." i nodded my head 

"right when you were born, everyone thought you were going to be like a full vampire child though's type of children can not control there thirst but you weren't i was told i had to kill you so i followed orders" did he just say he was going to kill me? i let him finish"but when i about to phase i looked into your eyes i saw you my whole life and you were a big part in that life Nessie." 

I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his head towards mine and kissed him, then we walked into my room and we got in bed and slept,
"love you." he said
"love you too." i said back.

"Jacob i love you." a calm voice said, "common charlie wont be back from work until 8 its 7 now we have an hour." my MOM said, he jumped to this offer. swung open the door and picked her up. one of her hands was on his neck the other was going though his hair she had her legs wrapped around him he was kissing her neck with his hands on her bottom. 

"STOP KISSING MY MOM! STOP IT NOW." I called but someone held me back. they couldnt hear me. 

"you need to know what would have happened if your mom never met your dad." 

We followed them up the stairs into my moms old room in charlies house. was she still human? 

"yes she is Jacob loved our mother before you were you were born there relationship was off and on because of your father but with no Edward it was all about them"



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