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[reader's P. O. V]

"Caesar..... Joseph.... What the fuck"

Caesar slowly turned his head, only to see Suzie Q with a terrified expression on her face.


"it's not what it looks like I swear!"

Joseph pushed Caesar off of him and quickly sat up.

"we were just drunk! I swear thi-"

"Joseph........i thought...."

Suzie stormed out of the room, Joseph going after her, still practically half naked.

Caesar sat by himself on Joseph's bed, listening to their argument from the next room and he immediately regretted what he had done with Joseph.

"shit..... What was I even thinking!"

Caesar quickly got up and made his way to his own room, he got into bed and went to sleep so tonight would be over.

<time skip to the morning>

Caesar had slept in extremely late, and immediately went to the bathroom to throw up because of the tequila he drank last night and he began to remember what happened with Joseph and suzie Q.

"oh no no no!"

Caesar quickly ran to Joseph's room to see if he was alright. He slightly opened Joseph's door and looked into his room, seeing him still alseep on his bed, Caesar was releived that he was okay but still worried about what happened and if he actually was okay....

{let's beat the pillar men group chat}

*Caesarino is now online*

Caesarino: good morning

*mother is now online*

Mother: more like good afternoon, it's 11:30

Caesarino: oh, well then good afternoon

*suzie is now online*

Suzie: oh hey

Mother: good afternoon, do you two want to get some breakfast, Caesar, go get Joseph for me would you?

Caesarino: oh sure

*caesarino is now offline*


<readers P. O. V>

Caesar quickly turned off his phone and sighed. He wondered how suzie was acting so..... Normal? Maybe they worked things out in the end..... Caesar got himself out of his thoughts, getting up to get Joseph.

When he got to Joseph's room he hesitated to open the door but he had to. Caesar slightly opened Joseph's door, just enough so he could peek in.

He got more and more nervous as he slowly walked into Joseph's bedroom, quietly shutting the door behing him.


Caesar whispered, still making his way into Joseph's room. He opened the curtain and hesitantly walked over to Joseph, who was asleep.

"Joseph, wake up"

Caesar whispered again, this time gently placing his hand on jojo's forehead.

Joseph slightly groaned and turned around so he was laying on his stomach.

Caesar sighed and sat on Joseph's bed.

"jojo get up......"

"mhmmmm..... No"

Joseph slightly turned around, so he was facing Caesar.

"are you okay jojo?...."


"Caesar chan, was I drunk last night?"

Caesar stopped to think to himself for a moment.

How could Joseph seriously not remember what happened last night! I guess it would be best to not tell him until somebody else brings it up.

"y-yea you were, only a little bit though"

"yea..... I sorta feel a bit sick, that's probably why"

Joseph chuckled and sat up, smiling slightly.



Caesar got up with Joseph and walked out of their room and to the kitchen, where Lisa Lisa and suzie Q were.

Caesar sat down at the table, after pulling out a seat for Joseph to sit on, and fixed his hair up slightly, of course Joseph ruffled it up again, pissing Caesar off.

"seriously jojo!?"

"hah, it looks better messy!"

"No it doesent. You just think that because your hair looks awful, try brushing it!"

"hey, this wasn't about my hair! It was about yours plus I do brush my hair!"

Caesar snatched the nearest hair brush and got it stuck in Joseph's hair.

"see, you don't brush your hair, one stroke with that brush and the brush is stuck!"

"Aw, Caesar channnnn I can't get it out"

"hmph, it's what you get"

"eh, I'll just cut it"

"do not cut that jojo!"

Caesar stood up, leaning close to Joseph, trying to get the hairbrush unstuck, the whole time suzie Q ignoring them both and Lisa Lisa making breakfast.


Joseph looked over at suzie Q, who looked very upset but no wonder, it was about last night but jojo must have forgotten.

"hm? Yea?"


Sorry dis chapter was short ahahahhahahahahahahahah goodnight and hope yall had a good Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

jjba part two(kind Of A Group Chat Thing) Caesar x Joseph Where stories live. Discover now