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Loud chatters could be heard outside the room.

Jihyo got up to take a peek at the window. Fans have gathered at the gate. Luckily, their guards were at their post and kept the fans at bay as they kept yelling their names. Jihyo caught a few of the phrases being tossed every now and then before closing the curtain and going back to her seat.

"4mix, we love you!" "Yoo Jeongyeon you're so pretty!" "Any of you, marry me please!!" "God Jihyo I love you!!" "Dancing Machine Mo!"

"When are we leaving?" Nayeon asked, idly tapping at her phone. They had been in their dressing room for a few minutes since the show ended.

"They're still clearing the fans below." Jihyo replied as she sat down. "There's so many of them"

"What do you expect? Of course they'd wait to see someone as pretty as me come down" Momo flipped her hair.

Nayeon finally placed her phone down and playfully scoffed. "As if"

Nayeon turned to Jihyo who was sitting in front of her. "Jihyo, who's prettier?" She gestured between her and the Japanese girl.

It was Jihyo's turn to scoff. "As if that's even a question." She paused. Both girl's eyes lit up but their expression was replaced with a scowl when Jihyo finished her sentence. "Of course, I'm the prettiest."

The three of them playfully argued while Jeongyeon took this as a chance to take a short nap. It was mostly like this in their dorm. Nayeon and Momo would playfully fight with one another then call Jihyo to help settle it between them. Sometimes Jihyo would answer honestly, sometimes she'd do what she just did now and include herself in their playful argument while Jeongyeon would be on her phone or sleeping.

It was not long until they heard a knock on their door so their argument was cut short.

The door opened and revealed JYP himself.

The girls stood up and bowed.

"You girls did an excellent and amazing performance today. I hope that you'll take this week to rest for your concert next week. You can go down now since the van is ready."

The girls thanked him and made their way down to the entrance. There were still a dozen of fans linig up at the entrance, being pushed aside by the guards.

The girls nodded and waved before making it into the car.

They all sighed in unison.

"Finally. A week to ourselves" Jihyo happily said.

The girls talked about their plans for the week as their driver took them to their penthouse at the other side of the city where it was secluded.

"I'm gonna finally take boo to the dog spa" Momo said as she got off the van and into their penthouse.

"You've waited months to do that?" Nayeon laughed as she trailed behind the Japanese woman.

Meanwhile Jihyo and Jeongyeon just exited the van quitely and got in the dorm. Jeongyeon set her shoes at the side of the entrance when she got into their penthouse.

The three girls were arguing but for a different reason this time. Jeongyeon sat on the sofa, amused at the fight unfolding before her.

"I didn't eat the last peanut butter spread" Nayeon held her arms up defensively. It was an obvious lie, the oldest woman did in fact sneak into the kitchen late at night to snack on the peanut butter spread but she didn't expect the two members to catch on since they rarely ate it. 

"That's a lie! I loved that peanut butter spread" Momo sniffed as she wiped her fake tears. "It was like family"

"Hey" Nayeon crossed her arms and quirked an eyebrow. "Last time I ate it, you guys told me you didn't even want it so why are you both looking for it now?"

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