Chapter 3.

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Bakugou sighed when they got to the school, “alright brat…” he scanned his badge, “I wanna see if your badge will work, if not, oh well…” Natsuki stood on her tippy toes so she could scan her badge. When she heard the beep she smiled, “It work!” she said excitedly, Bakugou smiled at his sister and they went inside. 

Aizawa was waiting for the siblings outside of the 1-A classroom, “uh, sensei..?” Bakugou mumbled, not wanting to yell and swear in front of his sister. “Wow, you’re not yelling for once…” Bakugou almost growled at the sentence. Natsuki looked up at them in confusion, “Nezu told me you were bringing your sister, knowing you, I didn’t think you’d actually do it…” Aizawa mumbled. “Shut up old man..” Bakugou mumbled, Natsuki took her headphones off since the hallways were empty. She held onto her brother's leg, he looked down, a bit startled, but then sighed seeing it was only her. 

“Wait out here for a second..” Aizawa said and went into the classroom, Bakugou growled and waited. Everyone in the classroom was talking and didn’t even notice Aizawa come in. Natsuki looked up at her brother, ‘We no learn today?’ she asked, a bit sadly, ‘We will, don’t worry..’ Bakugou replied and picked up his sister. 

“We are going to have a new student for the week..” Aizawa said. “Only for a week?” “That’s kinda weird” “Boy or Girl?” “Will you all just shut up..?” Aizawa asked, irritated because of all the questions. All of the students got quiet, Aizawa sighs, “Come in you two..” Bakugou looked at his little sister and smiled a little at the sparkle in her eyes. Bakugou set his sister down and held her hand, walking into the classroom putting on his mean demeanor. 

When seeing Natsuki, the girls either gasped or squealed at her cuteness. Natsuki smiled, yet she looked up at her brother since she’s so small and can’t see everyone. He sighed and picked her up, everyone looked shocked because of Bakugou’s action. “WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT!?” He yelled and immediately regretted it. Natsuki covered her ears quickly and tears formed in her eyes. 

Bakugou’s eyes widened slightly and he held his sister close,’Her hearing aids were too high…God damnit....’  “I’m so sorry…” he whispered quietly for only her to hear. He growled at the looks he was getting, “This is Natsuki Bakugou, her school got damaged by a child’s quirk and there was no one to take care of her at the current moment in time. So, Bakugou’s mother forced him to take her to school with him..” Aizawa explained. The girls were quietly fangirling over Bakugou being a good big brother, the guys were trying not to laugh.

“Baukgou, go take your seat..” Aizawa told him, he nodded and went to his seat still holding his sister. Natsuki took off her bag when he sat down, “I fo’give you..” she whispered softly. Bakugou smiled a little and held her close, she looked at Aizawa so she could see what her big brother learned every day. 

      Hello my lovlies, I hope you liked Chapter three.

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