technoxdream pt 2

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After a while they decided to go to clays room to get away from the crowd...though there where a few sex jokes thrown around including clay pulling a condom from his pocket and a red faced techno

They got in the elevator and techno looked him over... Now that he knew it was clay he was paying more attention to him noticing each and every feature about him... His bright eyes and the freckles dotting his fave being technos favorites

Clay leaned against the wall of the elevator doing the same as techno with a small blush... techno was about his height with acne scars and fluffy brown hair
He led techno to his room and flopped onto the bed with a small chuckle "hey techno?" Techno hummed in response and clay grinned "what do i get for winning? I think i deserve some sort of prize considering how difficult it was" techno went red "im not giving you anything" clay thought a bit "mhh.... Not even the kiss my pickuplines killed?" "Especially not that!" He laughed and nodded some making clay pout "your not much fun are you techno?"
After a while of them joking techno dozed off clay rambling untill he asked a question and got no answer
He glanced over at techno who was leaning on him and smiled when he saw him asleep putting a arm around him gently

Alrighty guys thats the end (for now) i wanted to do some smut but i couldint really think of anything and i promised a second part so heres a kinds lazy cuddle chapter!
If anyone has any request go to the rules or a/n and request chapter and comment them! I would love some ideas so i can keep posting (almost) daily!

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