Can you catch me,
Before I hit the ground?
Silence everywhere,
Not a sound,
Not a drop of blood,
Anywhere to be found,
Our hearts so steadily continue to pound,
As through the air you spin me around,
As we begin to dance through the clouds,
You caught me,
Saved me,
Before I fell,
And yet why I was falling,
I never shall tell.
I beg of you please,
Not to let go,
Yet if the price was my secrets,
I'd have to say no.
I would have to pick death,
Over having you know,
The things that my heart hides,
The things deep inside,
I've lied,
I've betrayed,
I've felt such deep rage,
So much of my life,
I haven't thought twice,
Of all the lives I have changed,
All the people I've rearranged,
And now here I am,
Begging you to please,
Always, oh always,
Always catch me.