Chapter 15

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"Any ideas," whispers Namjoon, the group surrounding him in the bedroom across from Eunha's, the girl having fallen asleep after cake. No one blames her, it is late. In fact it is so late that it is actually early. They are all tired, not just Eunha, yawns escaping from the hold of their mouth's as time moves on, as the moon dips further from the abyss of the sky and the sun steps forward to take the stage.

Seokjin, the room owner, isn't too pleased that they are all in his space. He reasons that this silent meeting could be held at a normal volume if they had chosen to conduct it in literally any other living space, bathroom and corridors excluded. But alas, their desire to stay close to their newly bonded soulmate ran over reason like a truck over autumn leaves.

"About what?" Yoongi counters.

"Anything," he shrugs, "what to do now? How to make sure everything will be okay? That Eunha is safe. That we are here for her - what to do about work, and that interview, and do we reveal everything... anything? If so when do we do it, how long do we wait?"

He spirls into a thought spewing robot and the others let him. They know it is best to let it go on and for him to soon exhaust himself rather than interrupt and force these worries to stay compacted within the fiery neurons of his brain.

"We should definitely take things slow... let her adjust," Jin motions after he notes the end of their leaders verbal marathon. "For now, let's try and keep her away from the press. Hide her as we teach her about this time, whilst we learn more about each other".

The others agree, wondering however, if that meant keeping her locked up in their house. Well, they would never actually cage her, but maybe use strong suggestion for a while? - perhaps just until they figured out what to do about everything else. They don't want another disaster like that interview.... and now they mention it; "God, what are we going to do about that interview?"

They all look to Jimin, his eyes so sad and apologetic as he pleads the question.

"I already said; sue," Yoongi demands.

"No, no, I mean, how do we deal with the mess? Their marks ... our marks, were revealed on both Tae and Namjoon," Jimin expresses as he tilts his head, trying to get him to understand so that they could come up with a solution.

"Why should we?" Yoongi shrugs, "who cares. Don't tell them anything. These are our lives, and just because they ask, I am not willing to hand mine over. Nor am I willing to present our connection to Eunha over to them on a silver platter; that is what any information will be you know, a link to her".

Then he scoffs, turning his head away as he mumbles to himself a saying he finds suiting of this particular situation, "give them an inch..."

"Come on Hyung," Hoseok starts, reaching out to place a hand upon his arm, "our fans are good people, it won't be like that, we can deal with all of this. We just need a plan".

"I agree," our fans aren't bad, they aren't like that interviewer," Jungkook insists.

Yoongi turns back with a hint of betrayal at the insinuation his two friends had made, "I never said army were bad. I said they were curious and resourceful and that they would find out. And I am saying that we all, Eunha especially, have a right to privacy".

Then his brows knit together as his eyes crease with worry, "can't you see that?"

Silence slides down into the room, covering every surface in its sickly preasence. It sticks, breathed in, lodging itself in their throats and making it hard to speak, to even swallow.

Namjoon gulps, a forced motion to remove the distaste of the moment, "but they already know something. If we don't tell them then they will never give up, and the media will always be there to fuel the fire of their curiosity. Instead of letting them uncover something for themselves, isn't it better that we are in control. That they only get what we give them?"

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