I decided to write this book on a whim. I’ve seen people bullied. It is horrible. It's horrible for a person's self-esteem.
It hurts to be bullied. I should know. Bullying is a rising epidemic all over the world. 4,400 students die from suicide every year in just the U.S. alone. All because people won’t keep their mouths SHUT.
For every 1 student that commits suicide, 14 have attempted it, but did not succeed. 7 out 10 ten high schoolers have thought about, seriously thought about committing suicide.
As you all know. We live in the digital age. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Four Corners, Kik, Viddy, etc. there are lots of social media networks and on each and evey one of them someone is getting bullied.
Someone is being called fat, a slut, stupid, man-whore, ugly, stuck-up, weird, drama queen, bitch, whore, mean, push over, lame, nerd, too short, too tall, too fucking smart, too fucking dumb, retarded, special ed.
Someone is being made fun of for being gay, lesbian, straight-edged, a hardass, a ‘who stuck a rod up their but’, a ‘they got hit with the ugly stick’.
People can be so cruel. Everyone and I mean everyone does it. If you believe you don’t gossip, stop lying to yourself. Everyone gossips even if they don’t even realize it.
This is the hard truth. You cannot want to listen to me, hate me, curse at me, but I will try my best to make you accept this hard truth.
Now on to the first quote.