Chapter 1

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You know when you have been running forever and you feel like your heart is going to burst? Well that is what I am feeling right now but ten times worse. I am at volleyball practice and because we lost our game yesterday, we are doing a good share of suicides. I looked over at my best friend Emma and she gave me the evil eye. None of us were happy about this. We had only lost by three, yet here we are running until we pass out from exhaustion. Our coach finally blew her whistle and we were allowed to get a drink. We ran into the locker room, scared to walk. We all piled in and collapsed on to the carpet floors. "What the hell, we only lost by three," Emma said as she sat beside me. "I seriously think she is a direct descendant of the devil himself." I said through clenched teeth as I examined my knee. It had been sore for the past few days and was beginning to swell. " We should probably get back out there," Emma said with a sigh. I quickly pulled up my knee pad and ran to catch up to her. Back to hell on earth I thought to myself as I walked back out into the gym.

Practice was finally over and I think I am going to die. I am in no way skinny, but I'm not fat either. I have muscular arms and legs from years of volleyball. I have long wavy caramel colored hair that falls to the middle of my back. I have steel grey eyes and pale skin and a slash of freckles across my nose. I am tall and quite obnoxious and I don't let people rip me apart. I'm pretty sure I got my sass from my mom, who would not hesitate to tell some one off. I got my dads build. Tall, strong, no bullshit attitude. Well that's not really a characteristic, but I did get that from him too. "Mom, please tell our coach that running us to death does nothing but make us play worse," I whined as I got into our big black suburban. "Katie, you need to toughen up. She is only trying to make you guys better." she said with a huff. "Listen, I'm not in the mood to listen to you whine. You made JV as a freshman and you have a lot expected of you!" I rolled my eyes. Yes I am on JV and I am a freshman. I really don't see the big deal. I'm just like all the other freshman except boyfriend less and not as pretty. Tomorrow is going to be living hell considering my locker is on the third floor. Stairs suck.

"Katie, are you going to homecoming this weekend" asked Emma as we walked to our last period. My knee was killing me and u was on the verge of tears and that says a lot considering I haven't cried since eighth grade when my dog died. Yup I'm pretty emotionless. "I don't know, I don't have a date." I said as we walked into english, my favorite subject. I sat down and groaned as me knee popped with discomfort. "Oh my gosh Katie, what's wrong!" asked a frantic Emma. "My knee is just a little sore" I said, plastering on a smile as best I could. "Holy shit, it's as big as a watermelon!" she said with concern. I looked down at my knee and, to my horror, It looked like someone had taken a sledge hammer to it. "Why haven't you seen a doctor yet" Emma asked. "Emma, I'm at the height of my game right now. Scouts are talking to me. A freshman. There is no way I am going on bed rest because of a little bit of swelling" I said with finality. "Fine" she said with a roll of her eyes. I would be fine. I mean it was only a little swelling right?

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