💕chapter six💕

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A/n -I cried making this
We were now going back to Hogwarts for our final year and I had a really bad gut feeling about this year a war was brewing and many muggleborns were no longer safe. Our mum was hesitant to let us go back as she could tell something was wrong from the daily prophet we got delivered everyday.

Me lily and Narcissa were sat in a compartment and it was silent me and lily were scared that any day our parents could be killed by the death eaters and we both knew it. Narcissa was scared for us but was scared for her health as she was classed as a 'blood traitor'

James and the marauders joined us in the compartment and they acted happy but could tell they were also scared. Narcissa had her head in my lap as she laid down with her eyes closed me stroking her hair.
"We have to watch over each other this year" James spoke glumly
"I know we have to protect"
"Have you all decided what side your fighting on" Sirius asked
"Me and lily are going to join the side of good and fight for our kind"
"So are me Sirius and Remus" James spoke peter did not join us as he said he had to meet someone
"Me to" Narcissa spoke quietly from my lap for the first time since we boarded the train
I smiled at her and kissed her forehead her pregnancy now clear but not far yet.
The train arrived at hogwarts and the group stepped off as soon as the entered the hall it was not happy and smiley as it usually was as the kids got sorted. Everyone ate and headed to their dorms

Narcissa was walking when a hand pulled hee into a room there was a group of slytherins in their
"Narcissa we have a message from your mother" Lucius spoke
"What!"Narcissa spoke back voice laced with venom
"You have to leave the mudblood and marry me and forgot about this or we kill the Evans family including your little mudblood girlfriend"
Narcissa looked like she was going to cry
"I love her"
"Narcissa make the right choice here you can love and have her killed or marry Lucius and have your pureblood baby and she lives"
"Fine, I'll do it but remember I will always hate you and will never love you I'm doing it so she can live"
"You made the right choice"
"We will  come to get you at Christmas"
Narcissa just nodded and left the room

We were all laughing in the common room when Narcissa walked in she had tears flowing down her cheeks
"Lilac, we have to break up"
The room went silent and lilac dropped her mug of hot chocolate
"I don't love you anymore"
"Narcissa who told you to say this" I said standing up
"Nobody!" She shouted
"I can't be with a m-"she struggled to get out the words
"Mudblood like you"
The room gasped as I burst into tears and Lily hugged me
"I suggest you leave black!" James spoke with venom
She took one look at me and another tear rolled down her face but she stood taller and left the room
Skip to the end of the year
I still wasn't over Narcissa fully but had gotten into a relationship with Remus and we were happy together, Narcissa had crossed her mind as she was her first love but she chose to go with her family. The group would not let her near me It was now time for graduation and everyone was sat around and each one of us went up to get our certificate for passing and in my owls and newts I got all Os and was going to do Auror training Remus didn't know it yet but I was pregnant and it was his.

After graduation I went to Remus
"Im pregnant and it's yours"
He looked shocked
"What if it gets my..."
"It can't it's not genetic unless you were born one"
"Well then let's raise it together"
We both turned when we heard a sob their stood Narcissa she looked at if she were going to say something then turned away and walked off. Then the group headed into the boats like they did in their first year getting their last look at Hogwarts.
"It's the start of a new beginning" I said
"Yeah when do you start auror training?" James asked
"Next Monday!" I said smiling
And we left on the train to start the next years of our life
A/n - I know it's sad just trust me on this for something to happen this had to be done

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