"I bet you taste like peppermint, You smell like damp pavement Come though my door and be my fires replacement
Every time Billie would come into my house I would smell her, and everytime I kissed her plump lips I would taste peppermint
"Your lips I often dream of and I've Lost count of the times you've caught me Looking at you"
God I can't help but stare at Billie she's so beautiful
"it used to be me wanting you visually mentally But we've gone far past that now we're in a new now just learn me inside out I promise I won't move about" "I want your hands over me, learn my body"
When Billie first put her hands over my body, I couldn't stop moving, her hands are so soft and hot
" you got me losing sleep, over you I usually sit still but now I can't help but move"
I can't move when I I'm with Billie
" When I see you I don't know what to do baby you make me sweat all the time"
I get nervous when I'm around Billie I dont know why
" every time your eye meet mine"
I love her ocean eyes
" i come alive my heart subside"
I think my heart subside
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