I think my heart subside

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( listen to the song while reading)

"I bet you taste like peppermint, You smell like damp pavement Come though my door and be my fires replacement

Every time Billie would come into my house I would smell her, and everytime I kissed her plump lips I would taste peppermint

"Your lips I often dream of and I've Lost count of the times you've caught me Looking at you"

God I can't help but stare at Billie she's so beautiful

"it used to be me wanting you visually mentally But we've gone far past that now we're in a new now just learn me inside out I promise I won't move about"
"I want your hands over me, learn my body"

When Billie first put her hands over my body, I couldn't stop moving, her hands are so soft and hot 

" you got me losing sleep, over you I usually sit still but now I can't help but move"

I can't move when I I'm with Billie

" When I see you I don't know what to do baby you make me sweat all the time"

I get nervous when I'm around Billie I dont know why

" every time your eye meet mine"

I love her ocean eyes

" i come alive my heart subside"

I think my heart subside

I think my heart  subside

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 Here's me, Ik I'm ugly af but whatever 231 words

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Here's me, Ik I'm ugly af but whatever
231 words

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