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As the dance captain, Quaxo was training more and more hard on the dance and less time as Mistoffelees.
But he did today take a day off.
The others were trying to get together the dance Munkustrap and Quaxo made.
"Hey guys!"
He smiled walking up to them.
"Mistoffelees! Hi how are you?!"
Victoria said running up and gave him a warm hug.
"Better, had to kinda...clear my mind after..."
"We know...but you are our best friend and don't cear if you are related to that ginder-bitch"
Jamima said rubbing her head at his leg as a sign of cear.
Plato said in a sharp voice of her language.
"What? he is"
Mistoffelees laugh at that and Thay sat down to talk.
Thay had a nice conversations about the show and the others told how great dance captain Quaxo was.
Mistoffelees was touched by the way the others respect him and smiled.
Then there was a loud crash noise and then thay all saw Macavity.
He was crushing the wall poles and one rally big fell over them.
In the last second Mistoffelees pushed Jimima away but got crushed down whit the others.
The cats got stuck under the sean and Casandras left leg was stuck and she screamed in pain but Mistoffelees was crushed in his both legs and some of his back and the crush made him feel like his chest bones were crushed to dust.
Victoria ran to see if he was alive but he could almost not breathe.
"Jimima! Get help!"
She cryd and herd the little kitten run away Yelling after Munkustrap and Tugger.

Rum Tom Tugger was siting in the livening room whit his brother and was talking about the show.
"I tell you, Quaxo is amazing! He make them learn in like a second"
Munkustrap said smiling as he drank some milk.
"I believe that, he always was the best!"
Tugger reply as he sipped his milk.


"Jimama what's wrong?!"

Munkustrap asked running to the kitty.

"MA-Ma what? tell me"
Tugger said laying a hand on her shoulder.
She screamed and dragged them to the ballet room.

Other cats had herd the noise and tried to get them out. "We got two hurt down there, one is nearly dead!"
Jennanydot said whit a mause and a cockroach on her shoulder.
Tugger asked.
"Casandra has a leg stuck badly"
Munkustrap looked nervous as he herd his crush and good friend was hurt.
"And mr Mistoffelees is crushed half to death after saving Jimima"
Thay both rush down and Tugger ran next to Victoria and Munkustrap ran to Cassandra.
"You okay?, how are you, what happened?!"
Munkustrap asked flipping out as he held her hands.
"I A-am okay, j-just help misto first!"
She said cuddling her forehead into his.

"Misto? Misto! Can you hear me?!"
Mistoffelees was not moving and was taking so little air that it looked like he was dead.
"MISTOFFELEES! You will not go to the heavy-side-lair! Not now!"
Tugger said shaking his friends body but it was just like a rag doll.

Victoria and Tugger got down and looked at thair friend both whit tears in their eyes.
"what is it misto...Im here"
He said trying to smile and hold his hand softly.
"I know...we get you out now..."
He herd the cats lift the pole and the brothers got thair friends out but Mistoffelees was backing out only feeling his body being rushed up, and seeing Tugger saying over and over.
"It's will be okay, you will be okay, it will be okay....you will be okay....it's will....you will.....it..."
And everything got black and the warm feeling of Tugger's hand on his cheek went away...

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