The Face-Less

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I'm writing this in a rush. They are coming for me. No they are coming for an account of what happened. I write that account here, so that only the face-less will find it.

The night it happened was lit by the full scarlet moon. Everyone went about business as usual. Except for the current face-less - well current when I'm writing this. Deep in the dark voices echoed.

"It's over here!" said 343.
"NO! It's right here!" insisted 495
A stream from the scarlet moon illuminated the lever. I pulled it quick and we rushed inside.

Most rumors are true -you'll find them on record -, but one important fact was lost, the fact they're looking for. You must never let them know that the scarlet-

After Ton read the letter he looked up at me confusion strewn all over his face. "Where did you say you found it?" he asked. "In the small cave on our new property," I said. "It was in this little box." He took the box from my dresser and examined it.

"But," he said, "who are the face-less?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out. And look there at the end of the letter where it just cuts off like that. The writer must of been caught by whoever they are... or something."

"Maybe it's just some prank."

"I don't know...there is a hole in the cave though, where light comes through"

"And it shines on the lever?"

"No,"  I gave up the argument, but I knew the letter wasn't some hoax. I could feel it. I would go to the library tomorrow to search for prof whether Ton came with me or not.

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