Werewolf At Midnight

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I ran without stopping I had to get away from here he was chasing me. I could here him calling my name but I wasn't going back. Suddenly I tripped over a log and landed on my head. I held my bleeding leg and it was bleeding because he had bitten me like all the other girls. I was the only one that had resisted though that has been fine with him he liked the struggle. I got up and kept running not looking back. Suddenly a car ramped into me and sent me flying into the ditch. " Oh lord are you okay darling?", a man said helping me to my feet. I saw him running toward me calling my name.

" Get me out of here", I begged. He helped me into the passenger seat then went around to the drivers' seat. Suddenly the keys fell onto the seat and he was sent flying back. I screamed and jumped back. I saw him coming around to my side. I hopped in the drivers seat and hit the gas. The truck took off and I heard him yell after me. " You can't run forever Hannah I'll find you eventually", he yelled. I pressed down harder on the gas taking off into the night.

I woke with a start lying in bed. I rubbed my head and pulled my covers down to look at my scarred leg. I bit my lip and covered it again. I was six when it happened and it had been ten years since I had seen Tom Whytt. By the way I'm Hannah Dawson and as I mention before I'm sixteen. I had been an orphan when Tom found me and when I got away I found a family that took me in Washington. I was hiding in an abandoned building when the Wilsons found me. They raised me along with their own daughter and had a som the next year. I kept my name I didn't know why but it made me different. My new sister Paula was a brat but Carl my brother was sweet and understanding. I got up and got ready for school.

I went to Hawkswill High. Carl was still in grade school but Paula and I were both in high school. Paula had her group of grade twelve populars and I had my group of grade eleven populars. I had a boyfriend, Victor he was the most popular grade twelve and he had picked me over Paula. I was the sister with the looks after all. While Paula had dark brown eyes and blonde short curly hair I had long brown wavy hair with aquamarine eyes. Carl had blonde hair and green eyes. My parents spoiled us rotten using bribes for parties to keep me and Paula from fighting.

I went into the bathroom and straightened my hair. Paula came stomping in. " Have a bad dream?", she sneered. I didn't answer applying pink lipstick to my lips and heading to my room. " I heard you screaming what was it your bogeyman?", she asked. Paula knew about Tom from her parents and teased me about it constantly. " You know sis you might be able to land a boyfriend if you paid less attention to me and more to that out of style hair", I said pinning my hair up in a clip. " You did something to Victor he would have chosen me but you did something to him", Paula said angrily. I went to my closet and picked out an outfit. I put on a white lace tanktop and a short brown corduroy skirt. I hopped into my black Ferrari and Paula got into her pink Porsche. I hit the gas and off we went toward the school. I got there first taking the better parking space and hopping out to bow for my fans clapping and cheering. This happened every morning and I always won. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me, " hey babe". " Hi Victor", I said then turned around and kissed him.

He lifted me up and put his hand on my butt. I heard Paula's door slam and I stood up properly. We led the way into the school hand in hand while everyone followed us. Victor went off with his friends while my friends followed me to my locker. I put my bag in my locker and grabbed my books. I handed each of them a pack of gum and we chewed it popping bubbles as we walked into gym class quickly getting changed. I changed into my blue T-shirt and pink short shorts. We were doing volleyball today so me and my friends sat around and chatted. " I know you and Victor are hot I'm heavy but there's a new boy in the school", Penny said bouncing a soccer ball off her knees. " Really what's he like?", I asked interested spinning a ball on my finger. " He's smokin' he left Diana breathless", Lucy said texting on her phone. " He must be hot but how old is he?", I asked popping a bubble. " Seventeen your sister was checking him out and I think she's got him in the bag", Wanda said practicing her splits. " Really", I said then a ball hit me in the side of the head. " Hey bitch bet you can't beat me at a game of basketball", Courtney said arms crossed. I stopped spinning the ball and told my girls to back off. " I win and you stick to your cheating boyfriend and leave everyone else alone", I said nastily passing her the ball. She snarled and started dribbling the ball towards the hoop. I knocked the ball out of her hand and threw it from half court into her net. Everyone cheered but Courtney just glared. Courtney Meyers was the wicked witch at Hawkswill High she hated everyone except her boyfriend who was cheating on her with a bunch of other girls. I high-fived my friends then the bell rang and we changes out of our gym strips. I went to English class and sat down chewing my gum while the teacher talked endlessly. I walked out of class and ran into someone. " Sorry about that", a deep voice said. I looked up and saw the single most handsome guy I had ever seen. He had black hair in a military cut and dark blue eyes. I looked away and started to walk away. " Darren there you are I was looking for you", I heard my sister say. I looked over my shoulder and saw him kissing my sister. I rolled my eyes and went into the library to check out a book. I grabbed Twilight and went down to the foyer to read it. I was on the tenth chapter when the bell rang for lunch and everyone came in. Victor sat next to me and we started making out. Paula came walking over with the new guy talking about the school. " You're really gonna like it here Darren I'll make sure of that", she said sitting down across from me. I snorted and she turned to glare at me. Everyone chatted while we sat there occasionally talking but mostly me and Victor just made out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2011 ⏰

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