Hogwarts Express

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Gracie Williams is from a family of pure bloods but honestly she doesn't care about blood status and all that stuff. She has a bad temper but is kind if you don't bother her or her friends. She is 13 years old and is starting in
third year(above is how you look).

Gracie's POV
I wake up from my long slumber to see my house elf beside my bed waiting patiently for me. "Hello," I say kindly. Unlike the rest of my family I treat Spike kindly. "Hello miss Williams, your mother has told me to tell you to get ready quickly as you guys are going to blow late," he says. "Thank you Spike," I say before he leaves, he nods his head in response. I wake up from my king size bed and go get ready (outfit above). Once I finish I run downstairs to eat breakfast with my mother. As always my father isn't here, whenever I ask my mother where he is she always says that he is at some business trip. We quickly eat and rush into the car to get going. We finally arrive at the platform 9 3/4 and I hug my mum and as I do she whispers in my ear "you better get into Slytherin and make us proud," I let out a sigh and walk away as the train was about to leave. Inside the train I walk around trying to find a compartment until I spot one with four people inside. Three boys and one girl with a mushy face. I walk inside and ask "mind if I sit here?" The all turn around and stare at me in silence, "I'm taking that as a yes," I say sitting down. Then the girl with the mushy face says, "I've never seen you before,who are you?" "You've never seen me before because I'm a transfer from Beauxbatons and I'm Gracie Williams," I say. The mushy girl face nods approving my name and then says, " this is Blaise, Theo and Draco," she says pointing at the three boys who were all staring at me weirdly. "You guys ok?" I ask them slowly. In response they all nod looking away. I raise an eyebrow at them but say nothing. Then I say to the mushy girl, " you are?" "Pansy Parkinson," she replies. I try to hide my laugh by coughing and as I look at the boys I can see the look of amusement on their faces. When I could trust myself to talk I say, " nice name," she then says,"thanks," and then I look towards the boys and see they had all turned red from trying to contain their laughs. That's when we all lost it and started laughing loudly. "What in the world are you guys laughing about?" Pansy says. "Nothing," I say after calming down," I'm going to change into my robes," I say while getting up. After I change I walk back into the compartment I only the boys. I sit down and start a conversation with them.

Draco's POV
As Gracie walks back from getting changed into her robes I couldn't help it from staring at her and I could see Blaise and Theo were finding it hard to. As Pansy walks back she tells Theo to move (as he was sitting next to me) and sat next to me clinging to my arm. Ever since I started Hogwarts Pansy was always trying to get with me and honestly it was getting quite boring. Adding more on that every time I could see how bored Blaise and Theo were getting with it. Suddenly the train came to a halt....

Gracie's POV
Suddenly the train came to a halt. "That was quick," I say getting up. "We are not there," said Blaise pulling me down by the arm. As I was about to say something else a wave of sadness washed over me. "Is it just me or do I suddenly feel sad?" I ask shivering. "Not just you," says Pansy. Then unexpectedly everything went back to normal. We continued the train ride talking about the events that happened until we reached Hogwarts.

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