Chapter 37|| Isn't your fault

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                  {3rd person POV}

Mirko, Keigo, and Alice made it to the building where meetings were usually held. Keigo had Alice wrapped around his arms. The three entered the building, they walked towards where the meeting was being held.

Mirko opened the door since Keigo had his arms full, they entered and everyone looked towards them. Alice got scared and hid her face into Keigo's chest. Keigo and Mirko sat down at some empty chairs.

One of the workers of the hero commission spoke up, "I have invited all the top ten or nine heroes of Japan to discuss a important matter, Keigo and Mirko have found out that the third best hero of Japan Blue X, has been possessed by a villain. Now we're informing the top nine then we will tell other heroes, we want you all to keep an eye out, he may or may not know some valuable information, so we need to catch him because if we don't heroes will be in danger."

They went to a computer and typed something on it. A projector turned on at an empty space of wall. It showed a picture of the same women making out with (Y/n)'s body, "this women is On'nanoko Tomodachi. She is also apart of the League of villain, her quirk is boost kiss, her quirk allows her to boost anyone's quirk as long as she can kiss them lip to lip. This explains why the villain could possess Blue X for a long period of time, we were lucky enough to catch her so she is out of this situation."

He goes to another slide. "We studied the quirk of the person who possessed Blue X, two years ago he was in jail and we took that opportunity to study his quirk. He is able to control the quirk of the person he is possessing, so he can control Blue X's quirks, if any of you do find him call for backup. He could easily kill anyone with the manipulation quirk. So we're gonna need everyone to keep their guard up."

A lady comes in the room and walks next to the guy, "we will try our best to cover this up from the public. But we will need to catch him as fast as possible. If the public finds out it will be bad for the heroes and panic will arise, so we need to contain him before any lives are lost." All the heroes nodded.

"You may all leave, we are going to talk to the other heroes-" she was cut off by Endeavor. "Shouldn't we inform the public? People will think Blue X is a hero when they don't know the truth, and the league of villain could take advantage of that." "We can't let the public find out, they will freak out. That's why we need to contain him." She countered back.

Endeavor just gave up because he knew it wasn't worth it. "Okay remember to call for backup if any of you find him." Everyone nodded and then they all left.

                            ~ ~ ~ ~

Mirko and Keigo were walking to the winged man's apartment. "You sure your okay doing this alone?" The rabbit hero asked, "Yeah I should be fine, me and Alice will have the best time ever, right Alice?" The winged hero asked the little girl. She shrugged. "Jeez you could of at least said maybe", Keigo whispered to himself.

Mirko and Keigo said their goodbyes and left to their own homes. Keigo decided to walk instead of flying, to not freak Alice out. It felt weird to walk for that long, the blonde usually would of started flying by now.

But when fans started asking for autographs he knew he had to fly, Alice was getting scared of how many strangers were around her. "Are you afraid of heights?" Keigo asked Alice, she shook her head. So Keigo spread his wings and flew up into the air slowly.

He kept a tight grip on Alice, to not drop her and she loses all her trust in the winged hero. He was gonna make sure she felt safe while he was taking care of her. 

He landed on his balcony and opened the door. "Are you hungry?" Keigo asked looking at Alice. "Yes please." *Mmh so (Y/n) taught Alice respect, seems like him.* Keigo went to the fridge and opened it, he looked around for anything he can make, there was nothing. *I'll just get some take out from somewhere.*

<Timeskip to when they are both done eating>

"Thank you Hawks for the food." Alice said to Keigo. "No problem, also you can call me Keigo." He placed Alice on the couch, where she will be sleeping until he finds a child's bed for her.

He went to his room and sat at his bed. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry for not saving you (Y/n)", Keigo said. He felt his eyes kinda water a bit. Then sobs escaped. He covered his face with his hands, and kept mumbling "I'm sorry" and "it's all my fault your gone" over and over again.

Then the door opened. Keigo looked up to see Alice at the door way. "Are you okay?" She asked. Keigo wiped the tears away from his cheeks. "Y-yeah I'm fine." Alice tilted her head, "but...your crying?" "No no I'm fine-" Keigo was cut off when Alice ran and hugged him. "I heard you, it wasn't your fault." Keigo let out a small chuckle, "Now I see why your dad liked you so much."

"Thank you."

[Word count 945]

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