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Everyone says to be the type of girl people write books about. There are two types of these girls. A) the enticing innocent. This is typically an innocent girl who ends up falling in love with someone of whom she beautifully looses her virginity to. This girl is usually pretty strong. She is wise (aced school) She is kind, she reads a lot of books, isn't very popular at school and she is unique in some form. She doesn't drink or smoke or sneak out at night but still knows how to have fun. Boy is she captivating.

B) The mysterious maverick. This girls is the opposite. She sleeps around a lot, drinks like hell, smokes anything smoke-able and gets into a lot of shit with her parents and the cops. She fails some grades but deep down is actually smart and has a sense of direction for her future, although she still fucks up her plans often. She probably gets into a fight every now and then. But wait there's a reason for all this behaviour. She has trouble at home with her family, or she gets bullied at school, or she has a dead best friend maybe she was raped as a child. This chick probably self harms or has attempted suicide. She's always depressed. She might be bulimic, anorexic, schizophrenic, insomniac, maybe she has anxiety, hell she probably is all of these in a lot of cases. However she is still very deep and poetic, once again captivating. Which is fare enough if you are this girl. I'm just pointing the two book stereotypes.

I'm not either of these girls. I drink as much as I read. I don't suffer many diseases. I'm not wise but I'm not failing classes, I'm pretty well liked at school. I don't see the beauty in making love is ok if it's with the right person. I just do whatever the fuck I want. I don't know where I'm going in life. Doing nothing makes me happy, doing drugs makes me happier. Generally most things in life make me happy. Except him.

Water has been around longer than humans. So many years longer. We know that water is one hydrogen atom and two oxygen atoms. But who first found this out. This person would've sat down and stared at this strange substance and really thought about knowing what this water stuff was. He/she wouldn't of been the first person to actually find of what it was since the technology wasn't equipped at this time. Eventually someone figured it out which is great for them, but then why did we start to teach young kids what it was. Why not let them wonder like they did?

(Authors note)
Sorry guys hopefully I won't be doing to many authors notes. I'm just explaining that this story is based on a relationship I've had with a guy that's occurred over the last year. I am fourteen years old so I'm going to describe the characters as 14 years old but I'm casting them as ed westwick and doutzen kroes. They're both definitely not 14 but I don't think I would be able to get the same intensity effect is I really described skinny stocky pimply 14 year olds aha. So yeh age the characters with whatever you wish and cast them as whoever in your mind but in my book ed and doutzen are 14 year olds. Thank you I love you all.

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