Soukoku - Birthday Gift
The agency throws a 'suprise' party for Dazai's birthday. Dazai, unsatisfied that he didn't get the gift he wanted most, goes out to search for it. Dazai x Chuuya Soukoku
The agency throws a 'suprise' party for Dazai's birthday. Dazai, unsatisfied that he didn't get the gift he wanted most, goes out to search for it. Dazai x Chuuya Soukoku
Life is not perfect... It never has been... But for Dazai, living is a curse... After losing his parents, his life drained inside him. Which made him live in a deep, dark shadow. Dreaming of dying with someone, and wishing that he will soon be free... The story of his life is not as great as the other kids... The more...
Dazai knew him and yet he didn't know a single thing about him. Thats what made it so great. High school AU Dazai x Chuuya Soukoku [Completed]
Ubi sunt (łac. „gdzie są") - skrót łacińskiego pytania retorycznego Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt? („Gdzie są ci, którzy byli przed nami?") używany na określenie literackiego motywu przemijania, marności świata i tęsknoty za przeszłością. Było poważnie, a teraz do rzeczy: (Zabawa zaczyna się po kilku pierwszych rozdzi...