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  • š“œš“±š“Ŗ|š“‘š“Ŗš““š“¾š“°š“øš“¾ š” š“«š“µš“Ŗš“¬š““ š“»š“®š“Ŗš“­š“®š“»
    182K 3.7K 69

    Źø/āæ Ź°įµƒĖ¢ įµˆŹ³įµ‰įµƒįµĖ¢ įµ—įµ’ įµ‡įµ‰ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ āæįµ’.Ā¹ Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ’ įµ—įµ’ ā±įµįµ–Ź³įµ‰Ė¢Ė¢ Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµįµ’įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµ‡įµ˜įµ— Ź·ā±įµ—Ź° įµįµƒāæŹø įµˆā±Ė¢įµ—Ź³įµƒį¶œįµ—ā±įµ’āæĖ¢ Ź·Ź°ā±Ė”įµ‰ Ė¢Ź°įµ‰ įµ‡įµ‰ įµƒįµ‡Ė”įµ‰ įµ—įµ’ į¶ ā±āæįµƒĖ”Ė”Źø Ź³įµ‰į¶œįµ‰ā±įµ›įµ‰ Ź°įµ‰Ź³ įµįµ’įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³'Ė¢ Ė”įµ’įµ›įµ‰ ~į“µ įµˆįµ’āæ'įµ— įµ’Ź·āæ Ź³ā±įµŹ°įµ—Ė¢ įµ—įµ’ įµƒāæŹø įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ–ā±į¶œįµ—įµ˜Ź³įµ‰Ė¢, āæįµ’āæįµ‰ įµƒŹ³įµ‰ įµā±āæįµ‰~

    Completed   Mature
  • The Secrets We All Keep
    46.9K 1.1K 5

    Kaminari Denki, the class' idiot, or so everyone thought. Kaminari Denki, a child prodigy, with an outstanding IQ of 197, at just the simple age of 6! What happens when the class find out that the classmate that they continuously teased about being last in grades, happens to be the smartest person in the class, hell m...

  • Change [Depressed Izuku (BNHA/MHA, Tododeku)]
    1.2M 43.9K 43

    [no quirk AU] (WARNING; story contains triggering themes such as self harm, suicide and abuse {TODODEKU}) After a fatal accident with his mother, Izuku Midoriya is taken in by his uncle. He transfers to a new middle school, where he decides to work as hard as possible. Midoriya Izuku has gotten into the prestigious hi...

  • Kaminari centric oneshots (whump, fluff, angst)
    284K 7.7K 40

    Kaminari whump, fluff, and angst. Kaminari is my absolute favorite character, so I'm making a book featuring him and the bakusquad. Request open! Teen and up thanks to Bakugo's mouth. I don't own cover art

  • š•ƒš•šš•˜š•™š•„š•Ÿš•šš•Ÿš•˜ š•Šš•„š•£š•¦š•”š•œ: Traitor! Kaminari
    58.2K 1.8K 11

    š˜æš™šš™£š™ š™ž š™†š™–š™¢š™žš™£š™–š™§š™ž : š™²šš•ššŠššœššœ 1š™°'ššœ ššššžšš–šš‹ šš‹šš•šš˜šš—ššššŽ š™¶šš˜šš˜šš šššš›šš’ššŽšš—šš! š™µššžšš—šš—šš¢ š™ŗšš’šš—ššššŠ šš•šš˜šš˜šš”ššœ šš•šš’šš”ššŽ šš™šš’šš”ššŠššŒšš‘ššž- ššššŠšš¢ šš˜šš ššœššžšš— ššœšš‘šš’šš—ššŽ š™‰š™šš™«š™šš™§š™¢š™žš™£š™™...š™Øš™˜š™§š™–š™©š™˜š™ š™©š™š™–š™©... š˜æš™šš™£š™ š™ž š™†š™–š™¢š™žš™£š™–š™§š™ž šš„š™° šššš›ššŠšš’šššš˜šš› š™µššŠšš”ššŽ šššš›šš’ššŽšš—šš š™“ššŸšš’šš• š™ŗšš’šš—ššššŠ...

  • šŸ’cherry colašŸ’- kamisero
    158K 5.4K 18

    [completed] Sero could never have a crush on anyone, right? He'd never really thought about it, so when he starts feeling differently around Kaminari, he has no idea what to do. And besides, Kaminari has a crush on Jirou, doesn't he? >>cover by akatsukink, go check out their insta!<<
