♑️ GHB'S and Kankri's book ♋️
what the mother fuck is this shit about? KANKRI: admin- 9r p9ra said she was 69red and wanted t9 d9 s9mething amusing. WHY THE MOTHERFUCK! KANKRI: 6ecause 9f this same reas9n, she wants us t9 get al9ng.. agh- fair enough....
sollux's personal journal
ever 2iince ii lo2t aa ... iive needed to relea2e 2ome.. gog, emotiion2 becau2e iit 2eem2 ii take iit out on people ii care about . iincludiing ed, he ha2 enough 2hiit on hii2 plate wiithout my biipolar iidiiociity . 2o ii gue22 ill ju2t 2cribble down word2 liike my admiin ADMIN< awe you know how ii take out anger...
Mature -
♒ Ask Cronus Ampora ♒
so I thought this could be fun, since, I hawve seen howv eri, an ewven other timeline me has done it. so, ask avway anythin babes and chiefs. *slicks hair back*
Alternia University (Homestuck Fanfiction)
NOTE: PREVIOUSLY TITLED "The Seer of Words" When a glitch opens up a portal between worlds, and releases unimaginable horrors into their world, twelve friends must band together to embark on an epic and whimsical journey through a book they all love; Homestuck. My name is Vantera Gold, and I am a Seer of Words. Vante...