It was a rainy day, in New York no less. One held a cup of coffee, wishing for the rain to stop. One held a hand full of old books, savouring the moment. short story #98 poetry #51
It was a rainy day, in New York no less. One held a cup of coffee, wishing for the rain to stop. One held a hand full of old books, savouring the moment. short story #98 poetry #51
I asked people for three words. Any words. The only rule? Don't think too hard. This is a collection of what their words inspired. NOTE: None of these poems are about these people; the poems are simply dedicated to the person who gave me the words. Poetry #329 // Other #702 © Papyruspoet 2014.
How to talk to a suicide, by a suicide. If you are one, add your own thoughts through private message.
i needed to write down almost everything he had said, to reassure myself that he had been real, that we were something that lasted; at least for a little while. - nina [ © jude rigor two-thousand-&-thirteen ]