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  • How to be a Better Writer (For Beginners)
    70.4K 3.3K 20

    Do you want to improve your writing skills? Do you want to write short stories, books, or even novels? Well, never fear! I've got the tips to make you a better writer!

  • Be Better
    287 46 12

    A lot of people want to be authors. Many of them are on this app. But some of them don't know how to be better. Here are 10 tips and tricks to follow to be a better author. This is just a very quick and simple guide. So, if you're looking for something productive to do, here you go!

  • He Said, She Said: Dialogue Tips
    47K 2.8K 12

    If a book has really good dialogue, you may not notice because it flows so naturally. But if you're reading a book with poorly written dialogue, it will probably feel awkward. It may even feel painful. You may not want to continue reading. You don't want to be that writer. Don't be that writer. Learn how to avoid some...

  • How To Write a Fight or Battle Scene
    124K 6.4K 9

    YOU WANNA FIGHT? FIGHT ME! Or we could have a cup of tea and a biscuit if you prefer. Ever found it hard to get to grips with how to put together a fight scene, or a battle sequence? This guide runs you through the basics, talks about different styles of fighting and weaponry, how to put together fight scenes, plan ou...

  • How To Write Serialised Fiction
    41.4K 1.9K 15

    Love writing but find it hard to finish projects? Looking for a new approach to telling stories? Embracing serialisation can help you be more productive and get more readers. In this guide I share what I've learned while writing A Day of Faces, my serial which hit #7 in the science fiction chart here on Wattpad, won a...

  • Action Writing Tips
    11.3K 718 7

    A few shared tips and tricks to fire up those engines and get the creative juices pumping again, all to write the best action stories ever.

  • How To: Write A Book
    45.2K 2.5K 7

    Because we all need help sometimes.

  • cybertron thesaurus.
    27.9K 776 44

    All you need to know about the Cybertronian culture and their knowledge. A database that once belonged to the Iacon now in the hands of a curious wanderer.

  • Wattpad User Dictionary
    15.4K 1.5K 21

    As a reader and a writer, I've noticed so many different types of people in the comments section. I've decided to make this compilation of Wattpad users, purely out of boredom. Please don't take any of this as offensive, or use it offensively, as this is solely for my own fun. NOTE: This will not be in alphabetical o...

  • Beautiful Words Dictionary
    220K 3.7K 100

    Here's some beautiful words to help you improve your writing! None of these are my pictures, I just found them online on Google and Buzzfeed. Started on 2/12/16 Completed on 4/9/16

    798K 31.7K 117

    in which i share beautiful and unique words to include in your stories.

  • Urban Dictionary
    164K 4.5K 86

    Your awesome source of hilarious urban slang. Don't take it too seriously.

  • Writing Wrongs: How To Be A Good Wattpader!
    164K 11.4K 36

    Hello, my fellow Wattpaders! I will be your tour guide this evening! Your food and drinks should arrive soon! In the meantime, I will be able to answer all your questions about Wattpad! Why don`t you get reads? How can you make covers? Did you know if your hand is bigger than your face you have cancer? Ow! Don`t do th...

  • How To: Write Mystery/Thriller
    65.3K 4K 19

    Cliffhangers? Plot twists? Complex characters? Back stories? Bad guys? Chilling scenes? Mystery and Thriller, home to some of the most interesting, intriguing books you will ever read. There are turns round every corner, suprises at every bend and most of the time you are left with literal goosebumps. But writing Myst...

  • #HowToAuthor: Drafting & Revision
    48.1K 1.8K 18

    Advice for writing book-shaped things and getting them traditionally published. This series will cover everything from querying to agent fit, to building a platform and marketing yourself.

  • Types Of People In Life
    232K 23.2K 86

    This world is filled with some pretty amazing people. It's also filled with some pretty annoying people. This book is filled with the types of people you see everyday. The good, the bad and the downright intolerable.

  • Writing tips
    32.5K 736 43

    Just some tips on writing your novels or stories. I know how hard it can be to start, to create your characters and to keep track of your characters. I wrote this book with the hope that I can help at least one person. Enjoy it! Please note that not all of this is my own work and that most of it comes from the Interne...

  • Writing Tips to Help Write Stories People Will Love
    44.4K 1.5K 54

    tips to help you become a more successful writer. Some of these are ones I've gotten from a youtuber, Jenna Moreci. If you ever want to, check out her stuff cause she is a full time writer and very good when it comes to writing tips.

  • Story Edit Like A Pro
    15.6K 985 20

    After reading this guidebook, you'll have a method for ensuring that your story is well-told, well-paced, and highly effective. You'll be guided through the process of reviewing your story, scene-by-scene, until it works. We won't focus on copy-editing or proofreading. This is all about your story because your story...

  • WRITING HELP: How To Show, Not Tell
    77.1K 1.4K 27

    A collection of useful words and sentences used to describe scenes or characters in writing a story. Plus, any useful things I encounter like how to write dialogues, flashbacks, and more.

  • Tips & Tricks to Writing on Wattpad
    1.2M 35.9K 32

    Part guide, part rant. Everything I've learned on writing, from Wattpad, experience, or how-to writing books. Leave requests on the second chapter :)

  • Wattpad's Stupidest Stereotypes
    240K 14.8K 16

    Just a couple of things that I found just kept getting repeated throughout loads of stories. This isn't aimed at anybody in particular, just meant to be funny.

  • Dialogue Prompts!
    142K 3.8K 119

    When it's 2 am and you don't know what to write, or cannot get past writers block, this is where to come. With ideas for your scene to get you back in the flow, this is perfect for help. Copy them word for word, or change them up a bit! Do whatever you must to get your story going again. Occasional Swear words, 99% of...

  • Dialogue Prompts: Sarcasm | ✔
    35.9K 670 57

    (Completed) Sarcastic dialogue prompts! Most of these are pretty funny!

  • How to Write Science Fiction
    172K 6.7K 13

    "Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not." - Isaac Asimov This piece is intended as a bit of a Help guide, a point of reference and hopefully something people will enjoy, as ultimately all of you will have different experiences reading...

  • How to Mature
    35.4K 949 8

    Walk in for a few tips and tricks on how to write mature books.

  • Designing Your Character & Other Handy Things
    603K 18.9K 200

    Characters are hard to create. So consider this book a giant cheat sheet of all your writing needs. This book not only helps writers create their characters, but is a menagerie of descriptions for your stories: Smells. Sounds Instead of Said Describing Clothing Collective Nouns Adverbs Edible Plants Different Colours...

    Completed   Mature
  • How to start a book...for beginners!(Completed 6/24/15)
    12.7K 279 14

    Are you struggling as a writer? Do you need guidance when starting a story? Then this book is for you!

  • Writing promps
    5.3K 115 63

    Some writing promps I make or would love to use. No usual update times, it will be completely random. Peace all.

  • Story Ideas (1)
    183K 2.4K 102

    [I post whenever I have an idea, no schedule so updates will be random] This is a book where you can read story ideas and get inspired. You don't need to follow me or ask for any permission. A credit will be very much appreciated but it is not necessary Happy writing 🫂✨
