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  • Together Again (d.d. a.u.)
    1.3M 22.4K 52

    Alyx Johns has traveled to hell and back since the night her mother died. She suffered through the worst of emotional and physical abuse, yet kept her humanity through it all. Her life's brightens when she meets her best friend. His name is Daryl Dixon. Alyx takes her life into her own hands by joining the military...

  • Stray // Daryl Dixon
    1.2M 30.9K 121

    "You lose everyone, that's just the way it is now. Get used to it." The new world, where blood and dirt stained your body like it was your favourite perfume. Gore, misery, and death now come with the art of survival, everything that you once knew was gone. Scar Jensen, a fighter herself, loses almost everyone she held...

  • Perfectos Mentirosos © [Completa✔️]
    136M 8.6M 64

    Recién llegada a la elitista universidad Tagus, Jude Derry descubre que ahí todo gira alrededor de las fiestas, los chismes, los ligues y sobre todo de tres atractivos hermanos que son famosos por su influyente apellido: Cash. Son burlones, astutos, a veces insoportables, a veces intimidantes, y están acostumbrados a...