What is Freedom?
Loki has done some horrible things, to that he admits, but the punishment he has recieved is worse than imprisonment, worse than execution. Loki now has no family, and ultimately one question stays in his mind: What is freedom?
Loki has done some horrible things, to that he admits, but the punishment he has recieved is worse than imprisonment, worse than execution. Loki now has no family, and ultimately one question stays in his mind: What is freedom?
"They are undercover and are here for your protection." "What? Are you crazy? I don't need protection. And these two bulls undercover?" I said pointing towards the bulky men. "There's nothing undercover with them following me around." "Oh no you got it wrong. They are not following you around. They are here for inform...
فتى متبنى من قبل عائلة تسمى "ليكونو".. تحدث له الكثير من المشاكل.. فيقرر انهاء حياته بسبب ملله من هذه الحياة.. لكن تضهر فتاة تدعى "ميشيل" و تغير تفكيره نحو الحياة.. و يبدأ شيرو في حل هذه المشاكل.. و الاستفسار عن ماضيه المبهم..