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  • The Grandparents
    1.7K 75 19

    The Tracy children don't get along with their mother's parents Lady Loran and Lord Benjamin Corbishaly their mother was Lady Lucile Corbishaly but dropped the 'lady' when she married Jeff. and this is what happens when Jeff invites his only nephew to stay and Lucile's parents find out: trouble. as with all my work: 12...

  • International rescue behind the scenes
    2.9K 160 40

    So the whole Tracy family have WhatsApp and I kinda hacked it to get you this book so be grateful!!!! I'm stealing this idea from; Georgina_May06 and PsychoticAlienJackie so if you want it twice as funny check out their work! Warning: swearing from the first chapter (12+) [DISCONTINUED]

  • GA Madness
    6.3K 275 85

    Just a few short stories from my favorite TV shows created by Gerry Anderson (R.I.P). Each set in a different time of their lives this book (when it's finished) will have a range of stories to do with the boys and the extra characters that I have added. The list: Scott & Kiara: the smother twins. John, Alison 'Ali'...

  • IR's Recruits
    914 69 21

    When retirement is a subject bought up more often than not, the members of International Rescue decide it's time to hand the reins to the next generation, but they soon hit a slight snag, only four Tracy grandchildren exist, Kieron, Zarah, Dove and Ivory 'Ivy'. Kieron is 18 and is the son of Scott and kayo, he enjoys...

  • the twin sister (Under Editing)
    2.6K 65 15

    john comes home for no reason plus there is a new character wich i made her name is xena (her name is pronounced Zena)

  • thunderbirds are go for launch or not
    1.8K 39 8

    thunderbirds breakdown what will happen

  • Thunderbirds Are Go One Shots
    4K 191 34

    Thunderbirds one shots

  • Two Families- Captain Scarlet and thunderbirds cross over
    465 37 11

    when Alix was young she moved to an island with her family so they could set up their secret organisation which has come to be known as International rescue but Alix never know about as she was sent away when it had just started and she was 5 now 10 years later she has been living on cloud base with colonel white who...

  • Dick Spanner: The Case of the Lost Princess
    555 2 13

    After receiving a curious letter through his door of the kidnap of Princess Astra, Dick Spanner must turn detective once more in a desperate hunt from the sewers of town to the Gobi Desert to find the royal highness in time before she dies - and that's just the least of his problems. Based on the original television s...

  • Joe 90: Panther 7V9
    465 1 10

    The Panther 7V9, a virtually unsinkable ship, capable of destroying powerful military vessels from miles with a horrifying destructive force, is on course for Mumbai. They only have one task set in mind for that megacity - total obliteration. Their activity has been noticed by the World Intelligence Network, therefor...

  • Joe 90: The Movie
    1.8K 1 34

    Joe McClaine was a small nine-year-old boy. Once his father invented a machine called the BIG RAT, it enabled the transference of brain patterns between persons. Hence, Joe became "Joe 90" and is now used by the World Intelligence Network as their most special agent to maintain the balance of power and world security...

  • Lavender Castle: Magnus
    392 1 7

    Lavender Castle, a place of legend, favored right across the galaxy. The crew of the Paradox has spent generations protecting the energy source Lavender Castle, maintaining the light and equilibrium across the universe, from the evil of Dr. Agon and his agents. Following their tracer collected from the planet Eden on...

  • The Secret Service: The Anarchy Of Chaos
    910 2 12

    After an unexpected terrorist attack at London International Airport, BISHOP (British Intelligence Service Headquarters, Operation Priest) are called in to investigate the shocking happening. After a second terrorist attack, BISHOP's undercover agent Father Unwin must uncover the makers of these deadly attacks and put...

  • The Secret Service: The Vault
    1.8K 1 41

    The Secret Service was a 1960s British children's TV series created by Gerry Anderson and the team of Century 21 studios in Slough, from the makers of Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and Space: 1999. This was the final of his television series to feature the puppet technique "SUPERMARIONATION", using highly detailed mar...

  • Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: Beauty Vs the Beast
    735 21 10

    The year is 2068. Earth is in conflict with a war of nerves with a powerful, invisible enemy from Mars, it is up to the Spectrum organisation to defend Earth against the Mysterons. Their latest strike is to destroy an enchanted rose somewhere in France that will have a damaging effect on emotion and love for the peopl...

  • Fireball XL5: The Deepest Reach Into The Unknown
    622 0 12

    A dangerously powerful wormhole is growing somewhere in deep space, three Fireball ships have already been sucked into it. The wormhole is beginning to get bigger and stronger by the second. Space City have been assigned to investigate the mysterious energy field, as Commander Zero sends his best man Colonel Steve Zod...

  • Thunderbirds Are Go!: City Of The Angels
    1.9K 44 11

    The Hood has stolen a dangerously powerful device to control any plane he desires from a laboratory in Manchester - and the X14 file, a chemical that can wipe out hundreds of millions in the wrong hands! Kayo has been able to track down one of his minions and forces him to tell her the Hood's next move. The device has...

  • Stingray: The Day Of Titan
    528 1 11

    Titan, overlord of the underwater City Titanica, has grown tired of defeat after defeat. His next deadly plan against Troy Tempest and the WASP organisation is to finally gain victory over them. Marineville has spotted an unauthorized underwater complex being constructed by Titan. When the Stingray crew investigate in...

  • Space: 1999: The Varga Trap
    767 0 17

    The moon has drifted towards yet another planet in the ever expanding dangerous universe of space, throwing any threat it wants at the occupants of Moonbase Alpha. Once they pass over the planet Varga, they learn that there are some minerals and resources down on the planet. After a terrible storm that ravages the pl...

  • Thunderbirds: The Armageddon Affair
    787 26 23

    The Armageddon - a ruthlessly powerful businessman, preparing to release highly dangerous amounts of toxic gas all across the major capitals of the world. And one of Lady Penelope's agent has spotted him heading for the South West of England. Therefore, she and Parker must quickly set off in FAB 1 to capture this insa...

  • The Secret Service: Shrunken
    599 13 12

    It should be a simple operation this time. A capture of some common thieves nearby Father Unwin's house. And once successfully captured, bar two of them, they are handed into police custody. But Matthew can't change back to normal size, and Unwin has an urgent appointment with the BISHOP. And now Matthew has to wait...

  • Terrahawks: Slime Time!
    352 0 10

    We are in 2020. The pollution and waste that we have created on this planet is beyond any means of redemption now. The next easy target for Zelda - a fatal weakness of humanity. Releasing the toxins and chemicals from a massive nuclear power plant, what will be released no human could possibly survive. Zelda releases...

  • Four Feather Falls: Sheriff's Doomsday
    283 0 8

    Pedro and Fernando, the one obstacle from them claiming Four Feather Falls - Tex Tucker. In order to claim the town they only have one wish for the sheriff now - his grizzly demise. And they have of course set up a deadly plot for Tex that will ensure his ends. A trap that Tex and his friends are running into. Will an...

  • Thunderbirds Are Go!: Malfunction
    1.8K 52 20

    Atlantica Headquarters - a military foundation stored with half a dozen rockets and missiles on the island. Contained by the US government in case of any hostile threat, extraterrestrial or simply independent renegade groups. With Atlantica recently upgraded and fully constructed, Colonel Henderson sent from the World...

  • Doctor Who/Thunderbirds: Leader Of The IronSword
    1.4K 50 32

    The IronSword - a ruthless and callous war-like race, vicious warrior-like life forms dealing with the fantasy and legends of our understanding, have spread their race across the galaxy. Their leader, simply known as the IronSword, has been overthrowned and is now on the run from the Shadow Proclamation... This mani...

  • Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet: Attack On Skybase
    348 14 9

    The war of nerves continues. The Mysterons can kill anyone and rebuild against their war against makind. Our line of defence, Spectrum Skybase, an aerial platform hovering in the clouds defends our world from the hostile invisible race from Mars. Technician aboard Skybase Samantha Lowe has been granted forty-eight hou...

  • UFO: The Possessed
    344 3 17

    The aliens have struck again. After infiltrating an International Vault containing some of the most precious secrets of the world's organisations, operations, and governments, another UFO invasion recommences in order to infiltrate an essential worldwide conference to decide the future of the UFO attacks. Nothing must...

  • UFO: The Vault
    2.2K 7 54

    Gerry Anderson's UFO was the first big budget British live-action television series of a secret government organisation named SHADO (Supreme Headqauters Alien Defence Organisation) combat a dying alien race who have come to Earth in order to survive. The series starred Ed Bishop, George Sewell, Micheal Billington and...

  • UFO: The Movie
    459 10 41

    It was 1970. Danger from the unknown, menace from outer space. Unidentified Flying Objects have been established and are now a threat to the safety of Earth. A secret organisation, SHADO (Supreme Headquaters Alien Defence Organsation), set up in response to the alien menace, housed under a film studio, defending the E...

  • Supercar: Supercar's Christmas Adventure
    213 1 10

    With less than a month until Christmas Day, the Supercar team of Black Rock, Nevada prepare themselves for a festive treat with presents, surprises, food and much more. A happy occasion and what is to be a most satisfactory Christmas, with friends, laughter and fun. With Professor Popkiss' sister and her young orphan...
