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  • Hasta-prāpya-stabaka-namito bāla-Mandāra-vṛkṣaḥ
    3.7K 261 37

    Show: Mehandī Hai Racanevālī. Pallavi's first husband Mandar Deshmukh is in conversion therapy when she and her new husband Raghav Rao discover that Mandar is alive. Mutual attraction blossoms between Raghav's secretary and loyal friend Farhad Nawaz and Mandar, who recovers his memories as he returns to his family. Ma...

  • Delivery Boy
    888 77 3

    Show: Mehandī Hai Racanevālī. Who would want insolent Raghav Rao for a son-in-law? Vijay Deshmukh detests Raghav, and Raghav thinks Vijay is crazy, but Pallavi's marriage to Vijay's son Mandar is ending, and Raghav already considers Pallavi his wife. Will Raghav find the right words to appease his father-in-law and ke...

  • Antarāya-timir'opaśāntaye (To Resolve the Darkness of Obstacles)
    769 46 2

    Show: Mehandī Hai Racanevālī. Raghav and Pallavi are expecting their first child and want to give thanks with a dinner at Pooswami Old Age Home. However, first they have a long talk about the secrets that they already share, about Raghav's past cruelty to Pallavi and his efforts to win over her family, about Pallavi's...

  • 'Our Beloved Raghvi'
    91.7K 7.8K 68

    this book contains OS and stories of our favourite couple raghvi😍. Dive into this book.I am waiting for your valuable comments like you will get some corals of laughter...romance.....emotional conversations and many more.......... NOTE- "there are dangerous shark 🐬even in the beautiful sea so i...

  • Yath'aiva tvaṃ tath'aiv'āhaṃ ko vā mā'śvāsayiṣyati
    722 20 7

    You may have watched a movie or TV show based on Mahābhārata, or read an adaptation or translation of the story, or even written a fan fiction from the point of view of your favourite character. Have you ever wondered how an incident or dialogue sounded in the original Saṃskṛta text? What values did Kṛṣṇa Vāsudeva, Ka...

  • Svapnāyamāno jaladair nimīlita-guhā-mukho bāh'ūpadhāne Kṛṣṇasya
    35 2 1

    Held up by Kṛṣṇa's hand while the clouds sent by Śakra pour rain all over the place, the hill Govardhana tells his story and describes the experience of being lifted into the sky to touch the clouds. The title is from Mahābhārata: Harivaṃśa, and means "Experiencing dreams from the rainclouds, cave-openings shut tight...

  • Yā vahati salil'odgāram abhra-vṛndam iva kāminy alakam
    24 1 1

    Show: Sundarā Manāmadhe Bharalī. As the Śrāvaṇa rain pours over them, Latika joins Abhimanyu on the terrace for a talk about marriage, rain, work, and family. The title inverts a simile from Kālidāsa's poem Meghadūta, and means "The passionate woman who wears her hair like a rain-shedding mass of clouds." Cover Credit...

  • Kā Te Kāntā? Kas Te Jāmātā? (Who's Your Girlfriend? Who's Your Son-In-Law?)
    287 18 2

    Show: Mehandī Hai Racanevālī. Raghav Rao needed a transfusion of four units of blood after hitting his head on the blunt end of a nail on the wall, just after removing the wedding photograph that upset his wife, Pallavi. My other story "Hasta-prāpya-stabaka-namito bāla-Mandāra-vṛkṣaḥ" tells you how Raghav recovered qu...

  • Kīrtis Te Vyucchinnā
    171 0 8

    On earth, only the turtle Akūpāra still remembered Indradyumna's glorious deeds. While being unforgotten allowed Indradyumna to stay in heaven for now, he developed athazagoraphobia, an overpowering fear of being forgotten. Many characters and incidents from Mahābhārata would be totally forgotten today if not for vest...

  • Mṛgān pañcāśataṃ prātarāśaṃ dadāni te
    412 0 13

    In Mahābhārata, Kṛṣṇā Draupadī receives Jayadratha hospitably, offering him and his entourage whatever she has on hand for breakfast. Vṛkodara Bhīma and her other husbands have gone hunting because fifty slaughtered animals are not enough to feed them, their brāhmaṇa dependents, and their servants for the day. Kṛṣṇā a...

  • Zhuṇakyātalī Miracī Lāgalī Goḍa (झुणक्यातली मिरची लागली गोड)
    103 2 8

    Show: Jīva Zhālā Yeḍāpisā (जीव झाला येडापिसा). The first chapter celebrates the December 29, 2019 episode, when Shiva followed Siddhi to her parents' house and cooked dinner. The other seven chapters are about various phobias that the characters expressed. Some phobias are actual mental health issues like Shiva's fear...

  • Cobras go uneaten?
    2 0 1

    In the Saṃskṛta play Nāgānanda, attributed to Harṣa, the hero Jīmūtavāhana sacrifices himself to save a cobra who is the designated meal of the great eagle, Garuḍa, for that day. Overwhelmed by Jīmūtavāhana's sublime magnanimity, Garuḍa grants his plea to give up eating cobras, which are part of his natural staple die...

  • Crumbs of Suleiman ibn Daúd's Feast
    26 0 6

    Mythology is the inspiration for these ten-word stories to question the relationship between humans and the world. Five of these stories are about five days of the Hindu festival of Dīpāvali: Dhana-Trayodaśī, Naraka-Caturdaśī, Lakṣmī-pūjana Amāvāsyā, Bali-Pratipadā, and Yama-Dvitīyā. The moral of the Islamic myth of S...

  • Taṉ Kaip Pukka Māṅkaṉi Piṉṉaik Kāṇāṉ
    2 0 1

    The legend of Kāraikkāl Ammaiyār (the Lady Saint from the city of Kāraikkāl) is narrated in Periyapurāṇam by Cēkkiḻār. My story is an allegorical interpretation of the saint's husband's decision to abandon her. Paramadatta gave his wife Punītavatī two mangoes, and she served one mango to a Śaiva renunciate who came to...

  • Sugo alla Puttanesca e Tiramisù? Mamma Mia! Mangiamo!
    6 0 3

    Food with family and friends - this desirable combination can get complicated when loved ones speak their minds. In the first story, a grandmother tries puttanesca sauce (which translates into English as "hoochie sauce") in a public place. In the second story, one friend wants to try tiramisù for dessert while observi...

  • As American As Apple Pie and Johnny Appleseed
    7 0 2

    Two stories about Thanksgiving, an American family holiday in November. First chapter: On land that traditionally belonged to native people of North America, foreigners were allowed to settle their homesteads. John Chapman, known as Johnny Appleseed, planted apple trees, an invasive species, to establish his claim to...

  • Sperm Count Test
    607 24 1

    Show: Mehandī Hai Racanevālī. Pallavi wants Raghav to be fully aware of his health, but as usual, her morals clash with his demands. Will invoking Śivājī help them? This is a parody with an implicit sexual situation. It is not marked Mature because there is nothing graphic or sexy. Cover Credit: @KoeliDalmiya

  • Kālo'smi yatna-kṣayakṛt pravṛddhaḥ
    87 0 2

    Stories about Time in Mahābhārata and two different characters named Yaśodā. Chapter One: There are several versions of the myth that the cosmos is seen inside baby Kṛṣṇa's mouth. One version is that Mārkaṇḍeya, adrift in the deluge, was breathed into the baby's belly and saw the cosmos as if it hadn't been swept away...

  • Kiṃ bravīṣi? (Say What?)
    1.3K 33 10

    Show: Mehandī Hai Racanevālī. Each chapter is a caption for a GIF from the show. Credit to SONIA441 of India Forums for the GIFs. Cover Credit: @PriyaArshiSarun

  • Hiṃsāyai Kiṃ Samabhavam? (For Slaughter Did I Take Birth?)
    10 0 1

    A poem written on Parākrama Divasa, January 23, 2023, the 126th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Written in Saṃskṛta in the Mandākrāntā metre, and translated into English. If I have made any mistakes, please let me know. Cover Credit: tournesol of India Forums

  • Valmīk'āgrāt prabhavati dhanuṣ-khaṇḍam Ākhaṇḍalasya
    20 0 4

    Show: Ramā Rāghava. Varun fell in love at first sight with Raghav, a software designer who excels at his family traditions of directing pūjā rituals and preaching kīrtana. In every crisis, Varun supports Raghav, but Raghav knows that loving Varun is a flood that would sweep away the religion that Raghav upholds. The t...

  • Sippāni dassessāma, lābhaṃ lacchāma, sotthinā caṇḍāla-vaṃsā orohissāma
    6 0 2

    Chapter One: An old caṇḍāla acrobat and his teenage trainee talk to a one-year-old Bodhisattva boy who will learn to perform stunts in the guise of a girl named Medakathālikā. Chapter Two: Kaṇṭaka, a sāmaṇera (novice monk), tells a bhikkhuṇī (nun) about his bisexuality. The title is Pāḷi and means "We'll exhibit stunt...

  • Misso missetum icchati Isisiṅgam Alambusā
    37 2 2

    Ṛṡyaśṛṅga guesses that his visitor Alambusā is a woman, a human dimorphic to himself. However, Alambusā dislikes to have a womanly body, preferring to be a man. Alambusa Ārśyaśṛṅgi is the name of a Rākṣasa warrior in Mahābhārata: Alambusa, son of Ṛśyaśṛṅga. My story of the conversation between his parents Alambusā and...

  • Phakta Mulagā Āṇi Nāraḷa Deū!
    12 0 1

    Show: Sundarā Manāmadhe Bharalī. Wedding plans for Babulnath and Devavrat hit a snag when Babul's father expects a dowry. The title is Marathi and means "We'll give only the boy and a coconut!" Cover Credit: @PriyaArshiSarun

  • Priyadarśana
    3 0 1

    Priyadarśana, an accomplished vīṇā musician and ten-year-old leader of the traders of Vārāṇasī, has a secret: he was born a girl! A vidyādharī friend of his mother, Sumanas, applied a magical herb that allowed Priyadarśana to pass for a boy. "How much longer?" Priyadarśana demands to know, before he loses the right to...

  • औषध तूच आहेस Auṣadha Tūça Āhesa (The Ointment Is Also You)
    144 0 1

    Show: Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā. Arjun and Savi have returned to Kavathe-Bhairavgad separately from their honeymoon in Someshwar after Savi acted jealous of Sushama to cover up her anxiety about Arjun again taking care of Mother Māulī while Savi could do nothing but pray that they wouldn't identify her to each other...

  • गेंड्याला गुद्गुल्या Geṇḍyālā Gudgulyā (Rhinoceros-Tickling)
    127 1 1

    Show: Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā. Arjun is marrying Savitri to obey his stepmother Krishna'i, but Savi's efforts to arouse reckless passion in Arjun and win his trust have been as futile as tickling a rhinoceros. Will Savi be able to fulfil her mission to trick Arjun into signing over his property to Krishna'i's broth...

  • Kāzavā Ugā Dāvito Divā
    10 0 1

    Show: Tujhyāta Jīva Raṅgalā. On their honeymoon, Anjali discovered that Ranavijay was illiterate. As a teacher, she thought that with encouragement and discipline, he would learn to love reading as much as she did. However, when she heard that Ranavijay's mother had died while he was failing his reading test, she unde...

  • Aho, Gappa Basā!
    27 0 1

    Show: Nāndā Saukhya Bhare. Vasanti Ājī told Indraneel, "Neel, come, fix the TV! I have fear of missing out." When he came over, only Svanandi was at home, and he realized that Vasanti Ājī didn't want to miss out on great-grandchildren. Cover Credit: @PriyaArshiSarun

  • No One Would Believe - An Imlie (3rd gen) Fan Fiction
    229 3 3

    Show: Imalī (3rd generation). Agastya Singh Chaudhary returns from London and greets his family, including stepmother Alaka who refuses to see him as her son. Grandmother Annapurna worries that Gattu has not outgrown his prejudices. Incest is a concept with various definitions across cultures and laws. I consider a no...