The Doppelganger
An outbreak of identity crisis has begun in the world of Trauma Team; with a shapeshifter on the lose, anyone could be the culprit. Naomi and Little guy are on the case.
An outbreak of identity crisis has begun in the world of Trauma Team; with a shapeshifter on the lose, anyone could be the culprit. Naomi and Little guy are on the case.
Hey guys, CS here :3. So this was one of my ideas for a new Trauma team fic; since not much is mentioned about Navel (Little Guy), except he has a crush on Naomi of course (;3) and worked in Delphi with her. I thought it would be a good idea. So let's see how this one goes.
In case your wondering, this is just a book showcasing my Pokemon Teams on my first play-throughs of Pokemon throughout the years I have been playing Pokemon. I have played every Cartridge Pokemon game available on a handheld device, so I will be listing my teams for every single one of them. ((And yes, I do remember...
Have you ever wondered about the characters of ATLUS's amazing video game Trauma Team? Did you not get enough dorky, awesome, obsessing over Trauma Team yet? This is basically the total geek guide to anything in/about Trauma Team. We have fanfics, trivia, facebook chats, and bunches more! Even if you are totally new t...
So, I had this idea a while ago to make stories based off of Digimon, since I play DMO. I thought why not? And I will finish my Trauma team fanfiction as well. Comments and feedback are always appreciated~ ^^
Hi guys, this is my first fanfic that I've actually ever written.. ^^" and I have gotten Into Trauma center and Trauma team recently so I thought, why now try a crossover? Anyway comments and feedback would be appreciated and I'll give it my best too. Here goes :3