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  • Zelda Theories And Headcanons And Other Stuff
    2.7K 103 21

    Have you ever wondered what would happen if Ganon loved cuccos? Or what a Heroes' Group Chat would be like? This is where I will dump my theories, Headcanons, Oneshots, chat groups, lyric pranks and ficlets. Have fun reading my dumbest works yet. (I also take requests, just ask me on my feed and I'll do it)

  • Crash
    450 17 2

    Sky loves travelling with the Chain, he really does. But when tensions mount, Sky begins to feel empty - hollow inside. Broken, even. When Warriors decides to goad Wild into fighting a monster that's out of his league ending up getting him injured, Sky does something he really isn't proud of. Mainly Sky angst. Cause I...

  • Father Time | Legend of Zelda
    7.9K 205 9

    Eight times Time unintentionally proves why he is their 'old man.' One where they return the favour. WARNINGS: - nightmares - self-doubt - fear of heights - mentions of death - supressing emotions/feelings - war - panic attacks - alcohol *I DO NOT OWN LEGEND OF ZELDA OR THE LINKED UNIVERSE*

  • Linked Universe Randomness
    10.3K 160 24

    Um I just dump some random LU stuff in here when I feel like it. Headcanons, what if's, fan art and a whole lot of other stuff. Yup! Read if you have the courage.

  • Linked Universe incorrect quotes
    4.7K 110 9

    Disclaimer- this AU belongs to Jojo on Tumblr. So does the cover. (Updates may be slow at times)

  • Linked Universe Oneshots
    3.8K 87 8

    Oneshots with the heroes! Sort of just a random mix of whatever the heck I'm feeling that day lol This is just for fun so it's not super polished or anything. If you see a typo let me know! If you have more general criticism to give you're welcome to do so kindly :) Updates happen... uh... time is relative, right...

  • Linked Worlds
    19.1K 539 16

    Inspired by jojo56830's Linked Universe AU. When Link woke up, he expected another normal day. After all, his journey was complete. He was done being a hero. He could live a normal life now. Unfortunately, it seemed the goddesses had other plans. In which various incarnations of the Hero's Spirit meet, and chaos and...

  • The Rest Is Silence
    32.1K 973 9

    Based off of Jojo's tumblr artwork, the story follows the heroes chosen by the goddess and how they met their newest member, Link from Breath of the Wild.

  • Trust Me (LoZ- Link Universe- BotW) (Discontinued)
    26.8K 558 15

    "We've come to help you save Zelda. Trust us, Link." This was the first time they came during the quest. That must mean something, right? Well, this one didn't trust them. Not in the least. He seemed sold on the idea that they wanted to kill him. So how would they gain his trust? 《^^^》 This story is similar to Playing...

  • My friends
    9.1K 255 7

    Wild has more animal friends then he does people friends. Linkeduniverse belongs to JoJo on Tumblr!! And Legend of Zelda belongs to Nintendo!! I only used there characters. The plot is mine.

  • Too old for this (linked universe)
    1.5K 46 2

    To say he was too old for this would be an understatement. Link has lost everyone, died more times then he can count, fought every monster at least twice, defeated Ganon twice, and now Hylia wants to send him on another damned adventure. Yeah, quick question. What, how and why the hell? Do these other Links seriously...

  • Linked Universe stufff
    45.8K 1.3K 48

    A bundle of random content that i have associated with Linked Universe and have proceeded to gather and stuff into this book, for YOUR entertainment. Ranging from cursed images to Stupid kid test answers, it'll be a wild ride. Note: Im updating old chapters with additional chapters, i cant properly post new chapters :)

  • Wild Secrets
    73.4K 2.1K 42

    Never mind being dropped in a new, strange Hyrule filled with monsters and ruins! With a new Link who was damaged by more thing than just monsters! Never mind any of that! Warrior's hair is ruined!

  • Alone We Fight
    38K 1.3K 13

    "Well, Wild? This is your Hyrule. Have you figured out why we're here?" Time asked. "Yeah." Wild swallowed thickly, forcing bile down his throat. "Well?" Legend raised an impatient eyebrow, and Wild turned away. How was he going to explain this? He'd told them virtually nothing of his journey. How was he supposed to c...

  • Shadow of the Fallen Lands
    7.1K 284 21

    Sometimes one Link isn't just enough. Well, at least Hylia seems to think so! ~Warriors~ -Sky- ~Time~ -Wind- ~Four~ -Wild- ~Twilight~ -Hyrule- ~Legend~ ---Nine Heroes--------------------------------------------------------------Nine Kingdoms--- This is the ultimate journey, the journey that could d...