Quotes I Often Quote (More Than I Should)
I'm gonna use one of these as my senior quote in Grade 12.
I'm gonna use one of these as my senior quote in Grade 12.
CRAP IS IN THE TITLE FOR A REASON! For all you bronies and pegasisters who actually like it when the mlps turn into humans, this is for you. ⚠You may turn away if you don't like it. You have been warned. ⚠ ⚠ANOTHER-WARNING!: THE AUTHOR OF THIS STORY LOVES SUNSET SHIMMER AND SPIKE AND SHIPS THEM TO THE CORE OF THE EAR...
After Lola dies due to saving Lana from a bully and his dogs, Lana doesn't have any strength to go on in life..
Fresh new crap for you to read, cringe, and -- hopefully -- relate. awww, nicky's face...
A bunch of pics and gifs and stuff. I know literally is spelled wrong...pic is Max and Duke from The Secret Life of Pets! :)