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  • You're The Straw To My Berry (Phan)
    5.1M 187K 53

    Part 1 of the infamous series. Feelings appear. Sparks fly. Love rises. Problems occur. Please note: This story is now very old (7 years old in 2020) and I'd like to think my writing has improved since then! There are a bunch of cringey parts and bad writing in here, but enjoy and thanks for reading! :)

  • Human - phan
    1.6M 75K 38

    Dan is a dancer, but it's his best kept secret. Moving to a new college results in new friends, new hobbies and a new outlook in life; but what does it really mean to be human? A series of strange and seemingly unconnected events unfold that all seem to link back to Dan's mysterious new boyfriend. etcetc phan with ki...

  • Two of a kind (phan and kickthestickz)
    2.1M 71.2K 41

    Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and Phil finds out that Dan has a twin brother, but hates to talk about him. It's not until Phil comes over to Dan's house that he finds out why.

  • Shit Storm (A Phan Fic)
    1.4M 66.8K 33

    swiggity sway these blokes are gayy.

  • Messages (Phan fiction)
    1.2M 43.4K 16

    Phil starts getting cute, little messages from a secret admirer and gradually feels himself falling more and more in love with the boy. But can you really like someone you've never seen before? And what will happen when Phil finds out the real identity of his admirer?
