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  • The curse of the two sisters
    18 0 9

    Standing in front of that specific house after all these years brought back all the memories he had hid in the deepest spot of his heart all those memories were once sweet and lovely but now they're tainted with darkness pure darkness looking at the knife in his hand covered with blood as well as his clothes he couldn...

  • ||Tales of Karma ||
    13 1 1

    "She is merciless she is strong Once you commit a sin she will surely come for you you can't hide you can't run She is a bitch, That's what they say she hunts down The sinners but does that make her Good or Evil? Actually Karma is only an Imaginary character made by people centuries ago to plant hope in those wh...

  • || حكايات كارما ||
    526 32 5

    "هى لا ترحم هى قوية ما ان ترتكب خطيئة ستأتى لك بالتأكيد لا فائدة من الهرب ولا الاختباء فهى ستجدك فى كل الاحوال مشهورة عند الفانين بأنها عاهرة تنتقم من كل من اخطأ و ظلم لكن هل يصنفها هذا في خانة الخير ام الشر؟ فى الحقيقة كارما ما هى الا شخصية خيالية من صنع البشر من عدة قرون مضت فى العصور المظلمة اخترع الناس تلك ا...