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  • Like Words || Ramshackle
    5.3K 207 10

    !! These characters aren't mine - the creator of Ramshackle is Zeddyzi ! This is just a fanfiction !! Stone regains his interest in poetry. (SkippingStone Fanfic !!) Stone began to explore the complexity of words. Does it relate to love? Probably. After founding his writing passion, he expressed his whole soul into it...

  • Fools in Love
    517K 33.1K 35

    Dana Thommens wants a normal college experience. Unfortunately, that isn't what he's going to get. After ruining Matthew Jeneviere's very expensive shirt, his life takes a drastic turn. The quiet and mysterious actor is a heart throb on campus and this heart throb lingers in Dana's life until they're definitely at lea...

  • Eden and Bea (LGBT+)
    300K 8.4K 26

    When two girls, who can't seem to stand each other, go on a school camping trip together, what could possibly go wrong?
