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  • Hilfe, wir wechseln das Universum! | Star Wars The Clone Wars FF
    266K 23.1K 102

    Jojo und Nici hatten ja viel geplant, aber sicher nicht, dass sie auf einem Jedikreuzer aufwachen. Was anfänglich als Spaß beginnt, wird bald bitterer Ernst - immerhin sind die Klonkriege in vollem Gange und Palpatine hat gehörig etwas gegen unbewusst Rebellionen anstiftende Teens. Schnell müssen die zwei lernen, dass...

  • Villain (Rex)
    24K 958 39

    A Separatist General meets a Republic soldier on the field of battle. Morals clash, but in the midst of it all, they find love.

  • Dominoes
    2.8K 226 8

    Domino squad wakes up to find themselves back at Kamino, hours from taking their final test... except they remember passing the final test, and they each remember dying afterwards. "So. We died." Hevy's voice is flat. "Yes, we died," Fives confirms. Even though his hands are steady on Echo's shoulders, his voice tremb...

  • Hilfe, wir wechseln das Universum! | Star Wars The Clone Wars Bad Batch | BONUS
    22.5K 2.5K 38

    Enthält: - Boba will Windu umbringen. Domino Squad und Nici & Jojo haben was dagegen. - Cody hat ein Commando von Kamino geklaut. Cody ist aber nicht da, um sein Paket selber abzuholen, also schickt er es zu Rex, weil er es kann. Rex hat seit 48 Stunden nicht länger als eine Stunde geschlafen, der Caf ist aus, ihm tut...

  • Rexwalker Oneshots
    1K 28 2

    Rather long Rexwalker oneshots: 1. shades of grey in the candlelight (3k) Post-Apocalypse set in the canon universe 2. i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) (6k) bodyguard mission, canon universe.

  • Little Snips
    92.1K 2.7K 23

    Children do not belong on a warship. But things tend to be different than one thought. So it may come, that for this particular kid, the cruiser she calls home, might be the saftest place to be.

  • Learn to Fly
    343 42 5

    Yara, eine S'kytri, arbeitet seit sie denken kann als Kopfgeldjägerin auf Coruscant. Doch leider läuft das Geschäft für Kleinkriminelle seit geraumer Zeit nicht sonderlich gut. Die Aufträge gehen meistens an diejenigen, welche sich schon einen Namen in den unteren Ebenen gemacht haben. Aus Verzweiflung wie sie demnäch...

  • Good soldiers follow their heart
    3.8K 121 12

    What The Clone Wars didn't tell us? How does Cody know if Obi-Wan sleeps with his lightsaber? Why was Rex looking for Ahsoka at 4 a.m.? Who put sand into Anakin's shoes? Why has Anakin photos of a certain senator in his datapad? Isn't it suspicious that Obi-Wan has to call to Mandalore every day because of top secret...

  • That was not supposed to happen
    614 33 8

    Something happened. Something bad. Something really bad. Something really, really bad. Or that's how Anakin would say it. This was war. He was prepared for anything. If he saw Obi-Wan jump from a windou shouting: "Banana bread is sacred!", he wouldn't be even surprised. If he saw Ahsoka floating troopers across the cr...

  • Cody learns to love
    5.4K 363 80

    Cody was used to looking after his younger brothers. It wasn't easy but he could manage. He's been looking after Bly since he was five. Then came Rex, then Wolffe. And then Fox. By the time, Cody moved out and didn't hesitate to take his little brothers in. They were better off with him than Jango. Then he found Jesse...

  • Cody Learns to Live
    1.4K 81 42

    The main reason why he couldn't wait to be back home was Obi-Wan. His boyfriend. Cody still hasn't gotten used to calling him that but he couldn't really imagine his life without the other man anymore. At this point, Obi-Wan has almost moved in with them, he was spending as much time in Cody's house as in his apartmen...

  • Royalty AU
    185 20 5

    It's been exactly three months since the ball that changed Cody's life forever. Since the prince Obi-Wan of Stewjon caught his eye. The ginger was beautiful but also smart and witty andCody loved it. King Qui-Gon encouraged his son's relationship with the mandalorian prince and three months later, Cody found himself m...

  • Star Wars | Mittelerde Award
    9.8K 1.1K 31

    Wir haben einen gewissen Ruf. Unser zweiter Juror schreibt Geschichten mit über 9k Votes. Gerne erklären wir euch den Begriff ‚konstruktive' Kritik, bis es auch der Letzte checkt, dass es nichts mit hAtE zu tun hat, wenn euch auch mal ein Kommentar sauer aufstößt. Es gibt schier endlos Awards, was ist an diesem anders...
