Love at first sight
A girl named Sofia leaves and years passed and she comes back lives with her cousin Manolo and Maria Sofia falls in love with Joaquin and they start a life together
A girl named Sofia leaves and years passed and she comes back lives with her cousin Manolo and Maria Sofia falls in love with Joaquin and they start a life together
Moana was just a normal sixteen year old attending high school and trying to survive day by day. She's also a loner with no friends and spends all of her time reading history books and relaxing by the ocean rather than socializing with anyone other than her parents and grandmother. It's not that she's antisocial, she...
A girl named Sarah moved to live with her aunt she joins a new school as a sophomore in college makes new friends falls in love with a boy makes a couple enemies.
A princess named Ashley she makes friends falls in love with a man is kind to everyone she has brown hair and blue eyes then she becomes queen.
Joaquin starts dating a girl named Amanda she has blue eyes brown long hair that's down to her bottom of her back.
Family friends and love also Manolo and Sofia are twins Sofia has long brown hair that was braided brown eyes.
This is the story of a sixteen year old Chinese girl named Fa Mulan who takes her father's place in the Chinese army against The Huns in order to save him
It was a normal life for Smurfette as a true blue smurf, but she felt that her evil side haunts her and wants to take over to kidnap all of the smurfs, and take them to Gargamel. Will Smurfette be able to fight her evil side to protect her smurf friends, especially Hefty? Will Hefty admit his true feelings for Smurfet...
This is a collection of one shots for Maya and the Three and The Book of Life, based on my fanfic In Another Life. Intended for teens and older. Requests will be taken from AO3 only Astheworldcaves4.