So Called Heroes
The story revolves around a small gang in Caesar called the Sunset Squad and their slice of life...
The story revolves around a small gang in Caesar called the Sunset Squad and their slice of life...
In which a black cat is found by Yuma with a name tag saying only its name: Neko. ••• "Damn it, cat. Just drink the milk!" "Meow~" "It's not that hard! Just take your damn mouth and shove it in the bowl!" ••• "You're a...human?!" ••• I don't own Diabolik Lovers. Only my characters and story.
Hello there! Lei and Hania is here :) This is our first Fanfic in our joint account hope you like it :) Description: Two ordinary otakus that live across the world got stucked into one of their favorite anime together. Both of them are from different countries making for them hard to get along but as they try to find...
"Talk of the Town" Watty winner! Gianna is a Seer : blessed with visions and dreams from the Moon Goddess. Alpha Gabel intends to be the first Alpha King in five hundred years, and his ruthless cruelty and ambition are without limit. Gianna and their Bond are his toy, nothing more. Taken against her will, Marked wi...
A girl named Algaia have always fascinated the world of Anime. One day, she met the God Of Dreams named Morpheus, and granted her wish to live in different Anime worlds. But the story has a twist, she will only live there for 100 days. She will lose both her life in the real world and in her dream world if she fa...
Never in my life has my mom ever said something so horrible, so disgusting. Never in my sixteen years of living, have I heard something so awful and cruel. When Mom said those five words, I felt like my world was ending, and that my life was over. "You're going to high school." Now, I know what you're thinking. What...