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  • Nasljednica Planine (Kronike iz Trunkatisa, #1)
    23.7K 3K 44

    #1 IN FANTASY (25.11.2016.) „Spustila se sa svoje planine i krenula u šetnju. Osluškivala je cvrkut ptica, udisala svježi zrak, uživala u načinu na koji joj sunce grije lice. Odagnala je ružne misli o vjenčanju, o očevoj ljutnji - kao i strašan predosjećaj da će se nešto loše dogoditi." Mae Montagna, osamnaestogodišnj...

  • Imprisoned By Love
    11.8K 544 18

    "What do you mean you aren't like other guys? Every guy says that. That makes you exactly like all other guys." "I mean I am literally not like other guys. I can never love anyone but you. If I even tried, I would die." Katniss was just a normal girl. A singer in a small, high class club, no where to go but up. She di...

  • Dan kada sam umrla//Prevod na srpski//
    116K 11.4K 42

    Da li ste ikada padali 200km/h i tresnuli o zemlju? Pa samo da vam kažem nešto, mnogo je gore nego što zvuči. Verovatno se pitate kako ja to uopšte znam i ako ne, pa šteta, reći ću vam svejedno. Vidite, ja imam listu, ispunjenu sa tačno 100 stvari koje sam želela da uradim. Zahvaljujući broju 81 i maloj neispravnosti...

  • QuakeFire
    12.4K 476 9

    What will happen when Ward gets turned into an Inhuman?! Will they kill him? Or will Skye find some sympathy in her heart to actually help him with his powers? Read on to find out...... [All Rights to Marvel]

  • Letters
    3.2K 267 11

    This is a series of letters/notes from THG characters to each other. It's gonna be a book that is just updated occasionally but all the letters are my original thoughts/ideas so if you use them please give me credit.

  • imagine it
    11.1K 727 47

    A compilation of imagines • one-shots • preferences & drabbles. Because fantasising is free. 【Requests Encouraged】 ︎PENDING

  • murder house | melanie martinez
    249K 15.7K 30

    Recently there have been a number of unexplained deaths in my neighborhood. Everyone is on edge. Many believe it is murder. The main suspect is a girl living alone in the huge, old-fashioned house at the end of the street. Her name is Melanie Martinez. [August 2015 - August 2016]

  • vlak za nigdje
    3.2K 591 13

    Jer (ne) idem nigdje. Nigdje gdje nisi ti.

  • Awkward Moments That Make You Want To Crawl Into A Hole
    501K 43.4K 92

    ▶ because hey, we've got to admit, we really can't avoid having those cringe-worthy moments.

  • Quake and Hellfire
    39.4K 1.1K 15

    Skye follows Raina into the tunnels to stop her from activating the Diviner. But when Ward follows her down there and the doors close, everything changes. Will Skye & Ward face danger? Will they be brought closer together? Inspired by an AU on tumblr (Ward never betrayed the team and was never working for Garret)

  • Grey's Anatomy Quotes
    79.3K 1.3K 18

    Follow me, through quotes and voiceovers, on the journey of the five interns and their supervisors. Starts from the beginning of the series and continues on chronologically.