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  • Graphics {CLOSED}
    51.7K 8.5K 100

    Kapitola s pravidlami momentálne neexistuje, o obálky si prosím nepíšte. Covery sú robené vo Photoshope CS6. A odporúčam skôr začať od konca, tam sú aktuálnejšie. ~Enjoy!✨

  • Tutorials
    57.4K 1.3K 16

    Graphic/Coding/Art tutorials for beginners to advance. Offers tutorials in various programs! These tutorials are were created by the wattpaders! Submit yours, today! (Cover by Ashihara)

  • Premades
    14.1K 1.3K 46

    Bližšie info vo vnútri. Pracujem s Photoshop CC

  • Tips & Tutorials | Photoshop
    73.5K 3.8K 27

    I will try my best. HR - #204

  • Forcade: The Designer
    171K 10.1K 82

    It's Raining Covers! I make any genre of covers! :) This displays stories that I made covers for. c: To request, please read the intro and important notes! Highest: #42 on Random ~ 3/24/16 #44 on Random ~ 3/18/16

  • Graphic Contests! {Closed}
    13.4K 914 118

    Highest Rank: #785 (20/01/18) In random Here, you can compete and showcase your talent. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this! Cover by @thrases

  • •moonglade graphics• CLOSED
    14K 2.1K 77

    in which a girl attempts to make graphics for you, procrastinates, pats cats, and procrastinates some more. welcome to •moonglade graphics•, please do mind your step when entering and exiting the moving whirlwind of bad graphics and, it would seem... butterflies? [highest ranking #316 in random] open { } closed { ✓ }...

  • Nessa's Graphic
    71.5K 7.8K 45

    Status: currently opening a new graphic book ~ My graphic book is opened for international requests and locals (Indonesian) requests. Here i'll be accepting and posting my covers and premades. Banners and icons requests are welcomed as well. Check out for info! Im not accepting requests based on their amount of reads...

  • electric, graphic help.
    480K 11.6K 60

    a place to find cover themes and templates as well as filters and other resources for all of your aesthetically pleasing wants and needs! please respect these themes and resources that i am giving you. please read the rules and give credit where it is due and do not claim any of these as your own. if i found out you...

  • ikea! a graphic shop
    244K 19.4K 111

    ─ some trashy covers :) ─ tutorials in the back ─ 2018 graphic watty winner: dark covers ─ 2018 graphic watty winner: people's choice light cover designer ─ 2016 graphic watty winner: minimalistic covers [ cover by the extremely talented @fartette]

  • Conspiracy ♛ Graphic portfolio
    32.5K 2.2K 81

    𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝔂 🍃 ❝Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love ❞ ━━ Graphic portfolio, a magic place where you can find all the graphics that I made for myself or for my fellow friends. #9 in premade

  • Daywalker ♛ Graphic tips and resources
    26.8K 1.1K 17

    𝓓𝓪𝔂𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓮𝓻 🌞 ❝I wanna know if i tell you a graphic secret, will you keep it?❞ ━━ A place for all the graphic tips and resources that could potentially improve your process of graphic making. #1 in graphictips

  • Mad's graphics (CLOSED)
    124K 13.5K 63

    Hola, soy Mad! Aquí es donde pongo todas mis portadas. La seccion de pedidos está cerrada Hello, I'm Mad! here I'll be collecting all my graphics. Requests are closed at the moment!

  • Covers
    185K 11.8K 102

    *doporučuji prohlédnout si covery od čísla 120 výše a pokud jste na mobilu, pak nejlépe od konce* COVERY NA PŘÁNÍ JIŽ NEDĚLÁM, NEJSEM ZDE AKTIVNÍ

  • Graphics & Covers
    55.3K 6.1K 28

    Knihu využívám převážně pro prezentaci soukromých grafických projektů, slouží jako moje portfolio. Ovšem nově jsou zde umístěny i COVERY, jelikož má předchozí kniha s nimi je nezvratitelně plná. OBÁLKY/COVERY SI NENÍ MOŽNÉ OBJEDNAT, NEJSEM ZDE AKTIVNÍ.

  • Tutorials&Tips
    74.4K 3.2K 27

    Tipy, triky a návody, které jsem posbírala za ty roky v Photoshopu. Začneme hned stažením onoho programu, takže jediné, co potřebujete je počítač :) Pojedu od těch nejjednodušších základů až po komplikovanější záležitosti. Tak jen doufám, že to někomu bude k užitku :))

  • Celin Graphics
    239K 30.6K 197

    #1 in Graphics (5/21/2018) #1 in Multimedia (7/12/2018) I only do paid commercial commissions now. Wattpad requests: CLOSED A place where I showcase the graphics that I'm super proud of and stuff like that c: If you're reading this on a different website that is not Wattpad, you are at risk of a malware attack. If you...

  • The Hall of Graphics 2.0
    71.4K 4.2K 23

    It's art time! This is my second graphics portfolio that showcases my artworks. Commissions and stuff info inside, as well as fun facts and other stuff!

  • Resources ▹ Tutorials, Tips & Help
    105K 3.8K 26

    A book where you'll find resources, tutorials, faceclaims, fonts, PNGs, textures, brushes & possibly more. A little bit of everything.

  • Premades
    298K 27.1K 192

    Kniha plná předem vyrobených coverů. První část knihy jsou série po pěti, zbytek už náhodné nápady. *doporučuju jet od čísla 70 výše PREMADE COVERY JIŽ NELZE ZAMLUVIT ANI POUŽÍT, NEJSEM ZDE AKTIVNÍ!