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  • BBS One-Shots
    3.1K 120 9

    The Gays(tm) Request any pair ya like, even poly if ya want! I just I have so much love for my boys.

  • the undiscovered adventures {doctor who one shots}
    372 12 2

    In this story, you will find a collection of short stories that span through the Doctor's entire life. The adventures never seen on television, or heard in Big Finish audios, or even read in official BBC books. These are the stories we were always curious about, but never received an answer to. These are the undiscove...

  • Between The Raindrops- A Johnlock Fanfiction (Sequel to Beside You)
    264K 9K 33

    (Sequel to 'Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction') Now, finally reunited and married, the consulting detective takes his blogger for a honeymoon in Paris- but not is all as it seems, because awaiting amongst the enchanting sights and blissful haze is a figure from the past, who has news of a new nemesis who wishes to top...

  • The Fandom Wars
    729 51 4

    2056, 40 years in the future. The fandoms of various television shows have spread, and each one is now considered it's own religion. Regular religious practices have been abandoned in favor of the famous faces flashing across the screen. Everyone has to decide where they stand, no exceptions. But what really makes...

  • WhoLock, A Deadman with a Box
    578 44 5

    When the corpse of a young man seemingly falls out of the sky there is only one man for the strange case, the famous Sherlock Holmes. But when questions start piling up and a shocking discovery is made, Sherlock starts to doubt if the corpse is even human. Better yet, is the corpse actually dead?

  • Boarding School Secrets: A SuperWhoLock AU
    561K 14.1K 48

    Set in an alternate universe where all the characters go to a boarding school in Alabama for a year and become friends. Well not all is sunshine and rainbows here at the school and the students need to unravel a web of secrets, lies, and murder before it's too late. Half crack, a bit OOC at some parts but hey, it's an...

  • Superwholock: The Upbringing (Moved To Different Account)
    1.2K 31 14

    There was so many things I wanted to say to them. But there just wasn't enough time to say it... What have I done? All I wanted was to save everyone before it was too late and to tell them how much they mean to me... but I never did. I failed. Now they will never know why I had to die. My name is Asyria Desira... and...

  • A Most Dangerous Game of Shadows *Superwholock* Book 2
    436 21 5

    After the unfortunate encounter with Jim Moriarty in the Tardis, the six unlikely men have now been separated, Sherlock and Dean are recovering in the hospital under the watchful eye of The Doctor but the fates of Sam, John and Castiel are still unknown as well their whereabouts. Can Sherlock and Dean set aside their...

  • SuperWhoLock: The Empty Planet
    4.6K 322 6

    They saved the Earth, restored the universe, and saved a species from themselves. But who will save them? Taken out of their homes Sam, Dean, Sherlock, John, The Doctor, and the Ponds find themselves trapped on an planet void of life. No TARDIS, no weapons, all help light years away. They only have three questions who...

  • The Sherlocked Doctor (superwholock)
    3.1K 169 16

    When Sherlock and John find a seemingly simple police box, Sherlock seems troubled. He deduces that it is not, after all, a real police box, but a fake. He then proceeds to go inside….and meets a very strange man. They soon are joined by three other mysterious strangers- 'hunters,' as they call themselves...

  • Beside You- A Johnlock Fanfiction (BBC Sherlock) *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*
    947K 29.9K 40

    POST REICHENBACH/JOHNLOCK AU. Two years after watching the love of his life commit suicide, John Watson has faded out. Balancing between sleepless nights or facing the nightmares to see Sherlock’s face again; he knows the game is over. But he never had closure. And so, on a bleak Christmas Eve, he visits Sherlock’s...

  • The Kings Of Hell [{SuperWhoLock}] {{Discontinued}}
    1.4K 58 8

    Three different types of people, demon hunters, a time traveling alien, and a consulting detective must team up to stop the wrath of their worst enemies that have banded together and become the Kings of Hell. ((Really stupid summary..))

  • Superwholock- Hell's game (Abandoned)
    7.9K 503 18

    The Vashta Nerada are lose, the angels are weeping, the Queen is a werewolf?! Dean and Sam find the supernatural to be acting quite strange. The Demons are quiet and Vashta Nerada are becoming more and more vicious and evil. The stone angels laugh at them, and the air remains dull. They seek out the help of Sherlock...

  • Of Heaven and Hell (A SuperWhoLock fanfiction)
    19.3K 1.1K 16

    London's darkest hour is upon us as citizens start dropping dead, their bodies torn to shreds. The demons are planning something big, and using the lives of innocents to accomplish it. Bolder now than ever before, the demons wield a weapon capable of destroying the world as we know it, and come equipped to exploit tha...

  • SuperWhoLock- 300 Days Too Short
    22.6K 1.1K 20

    The Winchester's are mysteriously zapped into London, the Doctor and Donna are left stranded in London after a mysterious fault with the TARDIS and and they all happed to end up on the door of London's favourite (and only) consulting detective and blogger. Obviously it is all just a huge coincidence... but what do we...

  • On the Side of the Angels
    932 64 7

    "I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for a second that I am one of them." ~Sherlock Holmes, The Reichenbach Fall. ~~~ This story combines the above quote with with Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. Enjoy...maybe get some maybe? Thanks! ~~~ (A Wholock Fanfic) (All characters and settings from...

  • The Hunters Daughter » Supernatural Fan Fiction
    154K 5.7K 13

    Dean Winchester has come across many women in his time on the road as a hunter. Always having been one for non commital "relationships", he enjoyed hooking up with girls, and girls enjoyed hooking up with him. Of course, that doesn't mean he's completely immune to being shot by cupid. Over the years, Dean has met a fe...

  • Superwholock: Angels in White
    34K 2.1K 41

    Angels. Angels. Angels. All Sam and Dean know is they have to leave this parallel world. One wrong move and the whole universe is toast. People are dying. The impossible is happening. Sherlock and John team up to help out, and The Doctor finds his long lost love. The Weeping Angels may keep what's important, but that...

  • The Little Doll {SuperWhoLock fanfiction}
    29.6K 844 22

    After the Doctor recieves a message on his Psychic paper, he and Clara land in Texas where they bump into the charming and dangerous Winchester brothers and their angel friend, Castiel. After a series of disagreements, The Doctor and the brothers finally become agree to work with one another. After getting information...

  • SuperWhoLock ((EXCERPT))
    13.9K 22 1

    Sherlock and John, the Doctor and his companions, and the Winchesters unintentionally unite from across different dimensions, and attempt to save the world. Many new friends will accompany them, as well as many old friends, but will it be enough to prevent the end of existence as we know it? This is an excerpt of Sup...

  • WHOLOCK: Mysteries through time
    827 33 4

    In the mids of a case memories of a time forgotten cause Sherlock into a troubled mind palace, John's only hope of awkening the detective is to solve the case himself. STARRING Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes Martin Freeman as John Watson Louis Moffat as young sherlock Peter Capaldi as the doctor GUEST STARRI...

  • Fire and Ice
    4.3K 192 31

    COMPLETED: Moriarty is back, but how? He had given the Doctor a clue to who the only other remaining Time Lord is, and the Doctor has to find them before it's too late. The Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, and the Winchester brothers are brought together on their investigations and they will have to work together if the want...

  • A Little Bit Of Hell On Earth
    2.9K 115 23

    Lucifer has escaped from the cage, but how he did it not even Crowley knows. He needs help, so he goes straight to the angels and not even they have a clue as to what Lucifer is up to. Sam and Dean are contacted by Castiel who drags them into the whole mess. Meanwhile in London Sherlock is investigating a case related...

  • Doctor, Please (Superwholock)
    99.3K 4.5K 36

    John is possessed. Castiel is injured. Doctor, please help.

  • Lost In Time (WhoLock, On Hold)
    3.7K 211 19

    All rights to these two amazing shows go to BBC, I own nothing.

  • SuperWhoLock: When the Shadows Rage
    48.2K 2.8K 39

    Something is snatching people outside of Marquette, Michigan. When Sam and Dean Winchester investigate, their world changes in a way they never thought it would. Turns out aliens and time travel are real. Turns out they need the help of a consulting detective and an ex-army doctor. Turns out more than demons are afte...

  • Superwholock
    262K 10.8K 37

    It's seems you've stumbled into the Superwholock universe. Boy, have you got an adventure ahead of you. ~ When Sam and Dean investigate disappearances and crashes of planes, they have no choice, but to take to the sky themselves. The plane they inspect takes them to England, where they meet Sherlock Holmes, John Wats...

  • Enter (A Doctor Who Fanfiction)
    4K 216 19

    YOU HAVE A NEW MESSAGE! Samantha Tyler's cousin Rose died at Canary Wharf in 2006 - or so Torchwood say. She doesn't think that Rose is dead and is determined to find out where she is and what happened to her. It's now 2007 - Sammy's life is going well, she's got a new job with the biggest company in the world - Waver...

  • Never Dying (Torchwood / Doctor Who fan fiction)
    63.9K 2.3K 44

    Jennifer Wood has a secret past that nobody knows about. One so secret, that not even she knows about it herself. Searching for the life she once lived she stumbles upon a man named Captain Jack Harkness and his team of new recruits from Torchwood Cardiff. Together, they bring out a new side of her that changes her li...
