The Office Romance
A series of "what ifs" based on the American show, The Office. The story focuses on the lives of salesman Jim Halpert and love interest and receptionist Pam Beesly. *Occasional spoilers, though mostly fiction*
A series of "what ifs" based on the American show, The Office. The story focuses on the lives of salesman Jim Halpert and love interest and receptionist Pam Beesly. *Occasional spoilers, though mostly fiction*
Characters: Pam Jim Dwight Michael (The rest of the background characters) Authors note: I know I may not be the best author, but I am completely in love with this show ("The Office") and I couldn't find many other stores out there, so I decided to write one for myself. I am going to start off with one of the origina...
Hey! This is a collection of quotes from the hit show The Office (U.S.). I do not own these quotes or characters, I just did this purely for the entertainment of my readers (and myself, hehe). Hope you enjoy:)
High school is supposed to have been the best experience for The Office gang but ever since Dwight Shrute mysteriously got the President position for the Student Council during his freshman year, it has been anything but. The whole student body is going to change now that he possesses presidential power, such as ban...